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Created June 1, 2017 05:24
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IPTV to HTTP live streaming
while true; do
currTime=`date +%Y%m%d%H%M`
if [ "$currTime" -ge 201507081658 -a "$currTime" -le 201507082300 ]; then
echo "$currTime: Stream should be on. Start ffmpeg if the process does not exist"
if [ "$(pidof ffmpeg)" ]; then
echo "$currTime: ffmpeg already running."
sleep 10
echo "$currTime: ffmpeg not running. Start it"
ffmpeg -i 'udp://' -vcodec libx264 -profile:v high -level:v 4.1 -crf 23 -preset veryfast -vf "yadif" -s 640x320 -maxrate 800k -bufsize 1600k -hls_wrap 16 -acodec libmp3lame -ac 2 -b:a 128k -strict experimental "ftp://iptv1:8gm2taXx@" &
echo "$currTime: Stream should be off. Kill ffmpeg if the process exists"
killall ffmpeg
sleep 10
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