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Forked from WilliamQLiu/index.html
Last active October 15, 2020 19:17
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D3 Mouse Events Adapted For VisConnect

VisConnect Mouse Events

This VisConnect example is adapted from this block. The only changes are adding the PeerJS and VisConnect script tags. Click the visconnect logo on the bottom right and send the coppied URL to a friend. Once they open the link all your interactions will be synchronized!

<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- How to create Mouse Events for D3 -->
<!-- Load VisConnect and PeerJS-->
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<!-- Load D3 from site -->
<script src=""></script>
<!-- CSS (Styling) -->
<style type="text/css">
.axis path, .axis line {
fill: none;
stroke: black;
shape-rendering: crispEdges; /* Round any decimal pixels so it'll render nicely */
<!-- Begin Javascript -->
<script type="text/javascript">
var w = window.innerWidth - 50,
h = 600,
margin = { top: 40, right: 20, bottom: 20, left: 40 },
radius = 6;
var svg ="body").append("svg").attr({
width: w,
height: h
var dataset = [
{ x: 100, y: 110 },
{ x: 83, y: 43 },
{ x: 92, y: 28 },
{ x: 49, y: 74 },
{ x: 51, y: 10 },
{ x: 25, y: 98 },
{ x: 77, y: 30 },
{ x: 20, y: 83 },
{ x: 11, y: 63 },
{ x: 4, y: 55 },
{ x: 0, y: 0 },
{ x: 85, y: 100 },
{ x: 60, y: 40 },
{ x: 70, y: 80 },
{ x: 10, y: 20 },
{ x: 40, y: 50 },
{ x: 25, y: 31 }
// We're passing in a function in d3.max to tell it what we're maxing (x value)
var xScale = d3.scale.linear()
.domain([0, d3.max(dataset, function (d) { return d.x + 10; })])
.range([margin.left, w - margin.right]); // Set margins for x specific
// We're passing in a function in d3.max to tell it what we're maxing (y value)
var yScale = d3.scale.linear()
.domain([0, d3.max(dataset, function (d) { return d.y + 10; })])
.range([, h - margin.bottom]); // Set margins for y specific
// Add a X and Y Axis (Note: orient means the direction that ticks go, not position)
var xAxis = d3.svg.axis().scale(xScale).orient("top");
var yAxis = d3.svg.axis().scale(yScale).orient("left");
var circleAttrs = {
cx: function(d) { return xScale(d.x); },
cy: function(d) { return yScale(d.y); },
r: radius
// Adds X-Axis as a 'g' element
"class": "axis", // Give class so we can style it
transform: "translate(" + [0,] + ")" // Translate just moves it down into position (or will be on top)
}).call(xAxis); // Call the xAxis function on the group
// Adds Y-Axis as a 'g' element
"class": "axis",
transform: "translate(" + [margin.left, 0] + ")"
}).call(yAxis); // Call the yAxis function on the group
.attr(circleAttrs) // Get attributes from circleAttrs var
.on("mouseover", handleMouseOver)
.on("mouseout", handleMouseOut);
// On Click, we want to add data to the array and chart
svg.on("click", function() {
var coords = d3.mouse(this);
// Normally we go from data to pixels, but here we're doing pixels to data
var newData= {
x: Math.round( xScale.invert(coords[0])), // Takes the pixel number to convert to number
y: Math.round( yScale.invert(coords[1]))
dataset.push(newData); // Push data to our array
svg.selectAll("circle") // For new circle, go through the update process
.attr(circleAttrs) // Get attributes from circleAttrs var
.on("mouseover", handleMouseOver)
.on("mouseout", handleMouseOut);
// Create Event Handlers for mouse
function handleMouseOver(d, i) { // Add interactivity
// Use D3 to select element, change color and size{
fill: "orange",
r: radius * 2
// Specify where to put label of text
id: "t" + d.x + "-" + d.y + "-" + i, // Create an id for text so we can select it later for removing on mouseout
x: function() { return xScale(d.x) - 30; },
y: function() { return yScale(d.y) - 15; }
.text(function() {
return [d.x, d.y]; // Value of the text
function handleMouseOut(d, i) {
// Use D3 to select element, change color back to normal{
fill: "black",
r: radius
// Select text by id and then remove"#t" + d.x + "-" + d.y + "-" + i).remove(); // Remove text location
Copy link

dsaffo commented Jul 21, 2020


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