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Created February 9, 2012 18:24
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Demo Code
// This is the .cpp file for the binomial heap implementation of a
// Priority Queue, demonstrates some pointer work. All code on this
// page is mine.
#include "pqueue-binomial-heap.h"
logSize = 0;
// Recursively deallocates all of the nodes in the heap.
void BinomialHeapPQueue::recursiveDestroy(Vector<node*> &nodes)
foreach(node* n in nodes)
if(n == NULL) continue;
delete n;
// Returns the minimum value without removing it.
string BinomialHeapPQueue::peek()
string min = "";
foreach(node* n in heap) if(min == "" || n-> < 0) min = n->value;
return min;
// Removes the smallest element and then reenques all of its children.
string BinomialHeapPQueue::extractMin()
if(logSize == 0) return "";
int mindex = 0;
string min = "";
for(int i = 0; i < heap.size(); i++)
if(heap[i] != NULL && (heap[i]-> < 0 || min == ""))
mindex = i;
min = heap[i]->value;
node* oldNode = heap[mindex];
heap[mindex] = NULL;
BinomialHeapPQueue* pq = new BinomialHeapPQueue;
for(int i = 0; i < oldNode->children.size(); i++) pq->heap.add(oldNode->children[i]);
heap = merge(this, pq)->heap;
delete oldNode;
return min;
// Create a newheap containing only the elem and merges it with itself.
void BinomialHeapPQueue::enqueue(string elem)
BinomialHeapPQueue* newheap = new BinomialHeapPQueue;
Vector<node*> newvect;
node* newnode = new node;
newnode->value = elem;
newnode->children = newvect;
heap = merge(this, newheap)->heap;
// Removes trailing NULL values. This does not recur for all the children because
// children will never accrue trailing NULL values because the only operations
// performed on them are additions of nodes with values.
void BinomialHeapPQueue::purify(Vector<node*> &nodes)
int i = nodes.size()-1;
while(i > 0)
if(nodes[i] != NULL) break;
i = nodes.size()-1;
// Returns a BinomialHeapPQueue pointer representing the two inputs merged.
BinomialHeapPQueue *BinomialHeapPQueue::merge(BinomialHeapPQueue *one, BinomialHeapPQueue *two)
BinomialHeapPQueue* merge = new BinomialHeapPQueue;
merge->logSize = one->logSize+two->logSize;
node* carry = NULL;
int onesize = one->heap.size();
int twosize = two->heap.size();
for(int i = 0; i < ((onesize > twosize) ? onesize : twosize)+1; i++)
Vector<node*> possibleNodes;
if(carry != NULL) possibleNodes.add(carry);
carry = NULL;
if(one->heap.size() > i && one->heap[i] != NULL) possibleNodes.add(one->heap[i]);
if(two->heap.size() > i && two->heap[i] != NULL) possibleNodes.add(two->heap[i]);
if(possibleNodes.size() >= 2)
node* larger = ((possibleNodes[0]->[1]->value) > 0)
? possibleNodes[0] : possibleNodes[1]); // Larger of first two elements in possibleNodes
node* smaller = ((possibleNodes[0]->[1]->value) <= 0)
? possibleNodes[0] : possibleNodes[1]); // Smaller of first two elements in possibleNodes
carry = smaller;
if(possibleNodes.size() == 3) merge->heap.add(possibleNodes[2]);
else merge->heap.add(NULL);
else if(possibleNodes.size() == 1) merge->heap.add(possibleNodes[0]);
else merge->heap.add(NULL);
return merge;
// Here's the corresponding header file for binomial heap. Not all code on this page is mine.
* pqueue-binomial-heap.h
* priority-queue
* Created by Jerry Cain on 10/23/10.
* Modified by Douglas Safreno.
* Copyright 2010 Stanford University. All rights reserved.
#ifndef __binomial_heap_pqueue_cs106__
#define __binomial_heap_pqueue_cs106__
#include "pqueue.h"
#include "Vector.h"
class BinomialHeapPQueue : public PQueue {
static BinomialHeapPQueue *merge(BinomialHeapPQueue *one, BinomialHeapPQueue *two);
void enqueue(string elem);
string extractMin();
string peek();
struct node
string value;
Vector<node*> children;
Vector<node*> heap;
void purify(Vector<node*> &heap);
void recursiveDestroy(Vector<node*> &heap);
node* merge(node* one, node* two);
// This is the .cpp file for the regular heap implementation of a
// Priority Queue, demonstrates some pointer work this without vectors.
// All code on this page is mine.
#include "pqueue-heap.h"
heapSize = 10;
heap = new string[heapSize];
logSize = 0;
delete[] heap;
// Returns the minimum value without removing it from the heap.
string HeapPQueue::peek()
if(logSize == 0) return "";
return heap[0];
return "";
// Removes the minimum value from the heap, moves the last value in the heap to the top,
// and then moves it down the heap by swapping with smaller values until it reaches its
// proper place. This reorders the heap.
string HeapPQueue::extractMin()
if(logSize == 0) return "";
string val = heap[0];
heap[0] = heap[logSize-1];
int i = 0;
if(2*i+1 >= logSize) break;
if(heap[i].compare(heap[2*i]) <= 0 && heap[i].compare(heap[2*i+1]) <= 0) break;
if(heap[2*i].compare(heap[2*i+1]) < 0)
heapSwap(i, 2*i);
i = 2*i;
heapSwap(i, 2*i+1);
i = 2*i+1;
if(2*i+1 == logSize && heap[2*i].compare(heap[i]) < 0) heapSwap(i, 2*i);
return val;
// Adds the elem to the heap ensuring that it arrives in the proper location.
void HeapPQueue::enqueue(string elem)
if(logSize == 0)
heap[0] = elem;
if(heapSize == logSize) biggerHeap();
heap[logSize] = elem;
int curr = logSize;
int halfCurr = curr/2;
while(curr > 0)
if(heap[curr].compare(heap[halfCurr]) < 0) heapSwap(curr, halfCurr);
else break;
curr = halfCurr;
halfCurr /= 2;
// Swaps the location in the heap at the two given indeces.
void HeapPQueue::heapSwap(int i1, int i2)
string temp = heap[i1];
heap[i1] = heap[i2];
heap[i2] = temp;
// Increases the size of the heap.
void HeapPQueue::biggerHeap()
string* temp = new string[heapSize];
for(int i = 0; i < logSize; i++) temp[i] = heap[i];
heap = temp;
// Moves the element into its proper location in the heap
void HeapPQueue::heapify(int loc)
if(2*loc+1 >= logSize) return;
if(heap[loc].compare(heap[2*loc]) > 0 || heap[loc].compare(heap[2*loc+1]) > 0)
int newloc = heap[2*loc].compare(heap[2*loc+1]) < 0 ? 2*loc : 2*loc+1;
heapSwap(loc, newloc);
// Creates a new HeapPQueue containing all of the data of one and two.
HeapPQueue *HeapPQueue::merge(HeapPQueue *one, HeapPQueue *two)
HeapPQueue* merge = new HeapPQueue;
merge->heapSize = one->heapSize + two->heapSize;
merge->heap = new string[merge->heapSize];
for(int i = 0; i < one->logSize; i++)
merge->heap[i] = one->heap[i];
for(int i = 0; i < two->logSize; i++)
merge->heap[i+one->logSize] = two->heap[i];
int tier = 0;
while((2^tier) < merge->logSize) tier++;
for(int i = merge->logSize-1; i >= 0; i--) merge->heapify(i);
return merge;
// Here's the corresponding header file for binomial heap. Not all code on this page is mine.
* pqueue-heap.h
* priority-queue
* Created by Jerry Cain on 10/23/10.
* Copyright 2010 Stanford University. All rights reserved.
#ifndef __binary_heap_pqueue_cs106__
#define __binary_heap_pqueue_cs106__
#include "pqueue.h"
class HeapPQueue : public PQueue {
static HeapPQueue *merge(HeapPQueue *one, HeapPQueue *two);
void enqueue(string elem);
string extractMin();
string peek();
void heapify(int loc);
void heapSwap(int i1, int i2);
void biggerHeap();
string* heap;
int heapSize;
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