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Created August 29, 2011 17:34
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Here is a header

Turns out it is not just headers that aren't getting treated right. Here is some text in italics. And some bold text.

And here is another header

And another header

And another header

And Another

And Another

Lists aren't working:

  • here is a list
  • here is a list

This definition list partially works:

term ~ definition

Here is a link

Here is a link. And a footnote1 and another^[here!]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Vivamus vitae risus vitae lorem iaculis placerat. Aliquam sit amet felis. Etiam congue. Donec risus risus, pretium ac, tincidunt eu, tempor eu, quam. Morbi blandit mollis magna. Suspendisse eu tortor. Donec vitae felis nec ligula blandit rhoncus. Ut a pede ac neque mattis facilisis. Nulla nunc ipsum, sodales vitae, hendrerit non, imperdiet ac, ante. Morbi sit amet mi. Ut magna. Curabitur id est. Nulla velit. Sed consectetuer sodales justo. Aliquam dictum gravida libero. Sed eu turpis. Nunc id lorem. Aenean consequat tempor mi. Phasellus in neque. Nunc fermentum convallis ligula.


  1. some footnote text

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