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Last active March 22, 2017 07:09
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Save dsaronin/8155622 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
token_authentication handling using milia & devise
## token_authentication
# at the head of of controllers which will need token authentication instead of password/session authentication:
skip_before_action :authenticate_tenant!
before_action :authenticate_by_token!
# then in application_controller.rb:
def authenticate_by_token!
if (user = User.find_user_by_token( params[:id] ) )
reset_session # purge any existing session
sign_in( :user, user ) # devise signs in user
set_current_tenant # must come IMMEDIATELY after devise sign_in
true # ok to continue filter chain
else # authorization rejected "SECURITY - access denied") # and another info you want to log
flash[:notice] = "sign-in required"
render( :nothing => true, :status => :forbidden)
nil # aborts further processing
# in models/user.rb
# returns nil if invalid authentication attempt; else returns an authorized user object
def self.find_user_by_token( token_key )
return nil if token_key.blank? # neither key present; invalid
# find by the key; nil if invalid
return User.where( :authentication_token => token_key ).first
# in db/migrate you'll need a migration to
add_column :users, :authentication_token, :string
# Somewhere within user.rb, you'll need as way to generate random but secure tokens and place them into user.authentication_token.
You'll have to figure out what strategy you'll use:
- can all users sign in with a token?
- just some?
- or only for certain actions?
these issues are outside the scope of milia. My application only has the third case: I have certain "global" actions which permit access to specialized information for an organization. to accomplish that, I have a "global user" for an organization (tenant), and corresponding controller#actions only for that kind of access (such as, seeing all of the public events for the organization).
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