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Created December 25, 2020 12:06
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elementary primality testing algos
from random import randint
import logging
from codetiming import Timer
# Primality testing script for miller rabin & fermat tests
def probablyPrimeFermat(N, tries=5):
if N < 4:
return N == 2 or N == 3
logging.debug(f"Testing fermat prime of {N}")
# pick random base a to check Fermat's theorem
for t in range(tries):
base = randint(2, N-2)
logging.debug(f"Base is {base}...")
if pow(base, N-1, N) != 1:
return False
return True
def checkCompositeness(base, N, d, r):
''' compute powers 2^r*d modulo N to check compositeness'''
facts = pow(base, d, N)
# >= 75% chance that composite N will fail all tests
logging.debug(f"Testing {base}**{d} mod {N} = {facts}...")
if facts == 1 or facts == N - 1:
return False
while r > 0:
facts = (facts * facts) % N
r -= 1
d *= 2
logging.debug(f"Testing {base}**{d} mod {N} = {facts}...")
if facts == N-1:
return False
return True
def probablyPrimeMillerRabin(N, tries=5):
if N < 4:
return N == 2 or N == 3
logging.debug(f"Testing Miller Rabin probable prime or composite - {N}")
r = 0
d = N -1
while d & 1 == 0:
d >>= 1
# computing N- 1 = 2^r*d
# pick random base a and test a^
for t in range(tries):
base = randint(2, N-2)
logging.debug(f"Base is {base}...")
if checkCompositeness(base, N, d, r):
return False
return True
def executePrimeTests(primelist, notprimelist, primetestfunc, iterations):
for i in isprimelist:
print(primetestfunc(i, iterations))
for j in isnotprimelist:
print(not primetestfunc(j, iterations))
if __name__ == "__main__":
isprimelist = [179424673, 20678048681, 1162566711635022452267983]
isnotprimelist = [2931, 2152302898747, 877777777777777777777777]
with Timer(text="Fermat Test completed in {:.8f} seconds"):
executePrimeTests(isprimelist, isnotprimelist, probablyPrimeFermat, 5)
with Timer(text="Miller Rabin Test completed in {:.8f} seconds"):
executePrimeTests(isprimelist, isnotprimelist, probablyPrimeMillerRabin, 5)
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