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Created August 7, 2012 01:15
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jconsole via ssh proxy
#/ jc -- jconsole via ssh proxy
#/ Starts a SOCKS proxy via ssh to connect to a
#/ JVM running on a remote and protected machine.
#/ Arguments:
#/ HOST Host running the VM. This is a ssh host-string, so you can
#/ specify anything that will pick out a host in ssh: [user@]host[:port]
#/ JMX_PORT Port used by JMX on the remote JMX_HOST.
#/ PROXY_PORT=JMX_PORT Local port to use for the SOCKs proxy. Defaults to JMX_PORT.
#/ JMX_HOST=HOST JMX hostname, set by java.rmi.server.hostname, or defaulting
#/ to the machine hostname.
#/ Options:
#/ -h --help Displays this help.
#/ -v Verbose logging.
# The most important line in any shell program. (Terminate on subcommand errors)
set -e
# Utilities
log () { [ "$VERBOSE" ] && echo -e "$*" >&2; :; }
logs () { [ "$VERBOSE" ] && printf "%s" "$*"; :; }
fail () { echo >&2; echo "[ERROR] $*" >&2; exit 1; }
count () { echo $#; }
nth () { local n="$1"; shift; [ -z "$n" ] && return 1; [[ "$n" < 0 ]] && n=$(( 1 + $# + $n )); echo "${!n}"; }
join () { local sep="$1" old="$IFS"; export IFS=\n; read -t1 out; while read -t1 line; do out="$out$sep$line"; done; echo "$out"; export IFS=$old; }
sjoin () { local sep="$1"; shift; [ -z "$*" ] && return 1; printf "$1"; shift; for a in $*; do printf "$sep$a"; done; echo; }
# Print Help
halp () { grep '^#/' <"$SELF" | cut -c4-; :; }
for opt in $*; do echo $opt | egrep -xq -e '--?h(e(lp?)?)?' && { halp; exit 0; }; done
# Parse Args
incshift () { SHIFT=$(( $SHIFT + ${1:-1} )); }
while getopts "v" opt; do
case $opt in
v ) VERBOSE="-v"; incshift ;;
* ) fail "Unknown option: $OPTARG" ;;
shift $SHIFT
if [ -z "$host" -o -z "$jmx_port" ]; then
printf "[ERROR] HOST and JMX_PORT are required!\n\n" >&2
exit 1
# start up a background ssh tunnel on the desired port
ssh -N -f -D$proxy_port $host
# if the tunnel failed to come up, fail gracefully.
[ $? -ne 0 ] && fail "ssh tunnel failed!"
ssh_pid=`ps awwwx | grep "[s]sh -N -f -D$proxy_port" | awk '{print $1}'`
log "ssh pid: $ssh_pid"
# if we can't find the ssh pid, presume something has gone wrong
[ -z "$ssh_pid" ] && fail "unable to determine ssh tunnel pid!"
# Fire up jconsole to your remote host
jconsole -J-DsocksProxyHost=localhost -J-DsocksProxyPort=$proxy_port \
# tear down the tunnel
kill $ssh_pid
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