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Created March 20, 2021 16:56
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Greasemonkey Script to regularly truncate the chat (and improve site perf)
// ==UserScript==
// @name Teenychat TinyChat Chat Teenifier
// @description Truncates chat regularly to eliminate slowdown.
// @author David Schoonover <>
// @namespace
// @version 0.1
// @require
// @require
// @run-at document-end
// @grant none
// @noframes
// @match*
// ==/UserScript==
var log = function(){ console.log( '[%cTeenychat%c]', 'color: #22efb4', 'color: inherit', ...arguments); };
log.warn = function(){ console.warn( '[%cTeenychat%c]', 'color: #22efb4', 'color: inherit', ...arguments); };
log.error = function(){ console.error( '[%cTeenychat%c]', 'color: #22efb4', 'color: inherit', ...arguments); };
log.log = log;
// log(`[$: ${$.fn.jquery}]`, `[jQuery: ${jQuery.fn.jquery}]`);
log(`[$: ${$.fn.jquery}]`, `[jQuery: ${jQuery.fn.jquery}]`, `[lodash: ${_.VERSION}]`);
// log(`[$: ${$.fn.jquery}]`);
function shadow(sel, ctx){
return $(sel, ctx || null)[0].shadowRoot;
function truncateChat(){
var limit = Number.parseInt(window.LOG_MSG_LIMIT);
limit = limit > -1 ? limit : DEFAULT_LOG_MSG_LIMIT;
try {
// log('truncating chat!');
var $chat = $('#chat-instant:not(.show) ~ #chat > #chat-content', $('tc-chatlog', $('tinychat-webrtc-app')[0].shadowRoot)[0].shadowRoot)
, $msgs = $chat.children()
, $kill = $msgs.not(':first-child, dom-repeat').not($msgs.slice(-1 * limit))
if ($kill.length) {
log('Truncating chat to', limit ,'messages... Found', $kill.length, 'messages to remove!');
} catch(lol) {
log.error('LOG TRUNCATION ERROR! (limit:', limit, ')', lol);
function truncateChat2(){
var limit = Number.parseInt(window.LOG_MSG_LIMIT);
limit = limit > -1 ? limit : DEFAULT_LOG_MSG_LIMIT;
try {
// log('truncating chatt 2!');
var app = document.body.querySelectorAll('tinychat-webrtc-app')[0].shadowRoot
, log = app.querySelectorAll('tc-chatlog')[0].shadowRoot
, chat = log.querySelectorAll('#chat-instant:not(.show) ~ #chat > #chat-content')[0].shadowRoot
, $chat = $(chat)
, $msgs = $chat.children()
, $kill = $msgs.not(':first-child, dom-repeat').not($msgs.slice(-1 * limit))
if ($kill.length) {
log('Truncating chat (v2) to', limit ,'messages... Found', $kill.length, 'messages to remove!');
} catch(lol) {
log.error('LOG TRUNCATION v2 ERROR! (limit:', limit, ')', lol);
// setTimeout(() => ... }, 250)
window.TRUNCATE_CHAT_PID = setInterval( truncateChat, 10000 );
_.extend(window, {
$j:$, jQ:$, shadow, truncateChat, truncateChat2
// window.$j = window.jQ = $;
})( jQuery.noConflict(true) );
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dsc commented Mar 20, 2021

oh, ha. this still has two versions of the code, with and without jQuery.

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