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Created May 9, 2014 04:10
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Asynchronous I/O in C#: Why tasks (a.k.a. promises, futures)?
class ProgramWithAPM : IRunnable
private int pending;
private readonly object lockObject;
public ProgramWithAPM()
this.pending = 0;
this.lockObject = new object();
public void Run()
var schenkelmanRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(new Uri(""));
var convertiRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(new Uri(""));
this.pending = 2;
schenkelmanRequest.BeginGetResponse(ar =>
var response = (HttpWebResponse)schenkelmanRequest.EndGetResponse(ar);
}, schenkelmanRequest);
convertiRequest.BeginGetResponse(ar =>
var response = (HttpWebResponse)convertiRequest.EndGetResponse(ar);
}, convertiRequest);
private void WriteContent(HttpWebResponse response)
using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
var content = reader.ReadToEnd();
lock (this.lockObject)
Console.WriteLine(content.Substring(0, 300));
if (this.pending == 0)
Console.WriteLine("Downloads finished");
class ProgramWithAPM : IRunnable
public void Run()
var schenkelmanRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(new Uri(""));
var convertiRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(new Uri(""));
var schenkelmanTask = schenkelmanRequest.CustomGetResponseStreamAsync().ContinueWith(t =>
using (var reader = new StreamReader(t.Result))
var content = reader.ReadToEnd();
Console.WriteLine(content.Substring(0, 300));
var convertiTask = convertiRequest.CustomGetResponseStreamAsync().ContinueWith(t =>
using (var reader = new StreamReader(t.Result))
var content = reader.ReadToEnd();
Console.WriteLine(content.Substring(0, 300));
Task.WhenAll(convertiTask, schenkelmanTask).ContinueWith(t =>
Console.WriteLine("Downloads finished");
public class ProgramWithTasksAndCancellation : IRunnable
public void Run()
var client = new HttpClient();
var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
var convertiTask = client.GetAsync(new Uri(""), cts.Token);
convertiTask.ContinueWith(t => Console.WriteLine("Converti completed"), TaskContinuationOptions.NotOnCanceled);
var schenkelmanTask = client.GetAsync(new Uri(""), cts.Token);
schenkelmanTask.ContinueWith(t => Console.WriteLine("Schenkelman completed"), TaskContinuationOptions.NotOnCanceled);
Task.WhenAny(convertiTask, schenkelmanTask).ContinueWith(t =>
var firstTaskThatCompleted = (t.Result);
firstTaskThatCompleted.Result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().ContinueWith(t2 =>
Console.WriteLine(t2.Result.Substring(0, 300));
Console.WriteLine("Downloads finished");
public class ProgramWithEvents : IRunnable
private int pending;
private readonly object lockObject;
public ProgramWithEvents()
this.pending = 0;
this.lockObject = new object();
public void Run()
var convertiClient = new WebClient();
var schenkelmanClient = new WebClient();
convertiClient.OpenReadCompleted += (sender, eventArgs) => this.WriteContent(eventArgs.Result);
schenkelmanClient.OpenReadCompleted += (sender, eventArgs) => this.WriteContent(eventArgs.Result);
this.pending = 2;
schenkelmanClient.OpenReadAsync(new Uri(""));
convertiClient.OpenReadAsync(new Uri(""));
private void WriteContent(Stream stream)
using (var reader = new StreamReader(stream))
var content = reader.ReadToEnd();
lock (lockObject)
Console.WriteLine(content.Substring(0, 300));
if (this.pending == 0)
Console.WriteLine("Downloads finished");
public static class TaskExtensions
public static Task<Stream> GetResponseAsync(this HttpWebRequest webRequest)
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<Stream>();
webRequest.BeginGetResponse(ar =>
var response = (HttpWebResponse)webRequest.EndGetResponse(ar);
}, webRequest);
return tcs.Task;
public static Task<Stream> TaskBasedOpenReadAsync(this WebClient webClient, Uri uri)
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<Stream>();
OpenReadCompletedEventHandler callback = null;
callback = (sender, args) =>
webClient.OpenReadCompleted -= callback;
webClient.OpenReadCompleted += callback;
return tcs.Task;
class Program
public static AutoResetEvent ResetEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);
static void Main(string[] args)
// decide which asynchronous proposal to use
Run(new ProgramWithAPM());
static void Run(IRunnable runnable)
class ProgramWithTasks : IRunnable
public void Run()
var client = new HttpClient();
var convertiTask = client.GetStreamAsync(new Uri("")).ContinueWith(t =>
using (var reader = new StreamReader(t.Result))
var content = reader.ReadToEnd();
Console.WriteLine(content.Substring(0, 300));
var schenkelmanTask = client.GetStreamAsync(new Uri("")).ContinueWith(t =>
using (var reader = new StreamReader(t.Result))
var content = reader.ReadToEnd();
Console.WriteLine(content.Substring(0, 300));
Task.WhenAll(convertiTask, schenkelmanTask).ContinueWith(t =>
Console.WriteLine("Downloads finished");
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