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Last active September 10, 2018 20:00
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miniMax Algorithm in Elm - Tests - next move wins for row 2
module Scorer exposing (..)
import Array exposing (fromList, get, set)
-- below won't work, you can't do this in elm. You can't have two statements in the in of a let like this
nextBestMove : List Char -> Int
nextBestMove gameNode =
cells =
fromList gameNode
set 2 'X' cells
if ((get 0 cells == get 1 cells) && (get 1 cells == get 2 cells)) then 2 else 0
set 5 'X' cells
if ((get 3 cells == get 4 cells) && (get 4 cells == get 5 cells)) then 5 else 0
-- this also does not work
nextBestMove : List Char -> Int
nextBestMove gameNode =
cells =
fromList gameNode
set 2 'X' cells
set 5 'X' cells
if ((get 0 cells == get 1 cells) && (get 1 cells == get 2 cells)) then 2 else 0
if ((get 3 cells == get 4 cells) && (get 4 cells == get 5 cells)) then 5 else 0
I ran into something unexpected when parsing your code!
13| if ((get 0 cells == get 1 cells) && (get 1 cells == get 2 cells)) then 2 else 0
I am looking for one of the following things:
end of input
-- I then changed it to:
nextBestMove : List Char -> Int
nextBestMove gameNode =
cells =
fromList gameNode
set 2 'X' cells
set 5 'X' cells
if ((get 0 cells == get 1 cells) && (get 1 cells == get 2 cells)) then 2
else if ((get 3 cells == get 4 cells) && (get 4 cells == get 5 cells)) then 5 else 0
It looks like the keyword `in` is being used as a variable.
14| in
Rename it to something else.
it "next move wins for row 2" <|
gameNode =
[ empty, empty, empty, markerX, markerX, empty, empty, empty, empty ]
cellFifthIndex =
nextMove =
Scorer.nextBestMove gameNode
expect nextMove to equal cellFifthIndex
The problem was this is an ML language so you can't
just make statements such as populating a value in an array
and call it day. An ML language always returns a reference to something either another function, another type
etc. In this case calling set on the array to set a value returns a new array. I wasn't doing anything with the
returned array and trying to check logic on the original array in the `in` (body) of my function
Here's how I changed it to work now below
nextBestMove gameNode =
cells =
fromList gameNode
nextGameState1 =
set 2 'X' cells
nextGameState2 =
set 5 'X' cells
if (get 0 nextGameState1 == get 1 nextGameState1) && (get 1 nextGameState1 == get 2 nextGameState1) then
else if (get 3 nextGameState2 == get 4 nextGameState2) && (get 4 nextGameState2 == get 5 nextGameState2) then
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