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Last active January 24, 2017 04:09
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This list will be continually updated with new templates.
If you have requests for any, please add a comment using the comment box at the bottom of this page.
NOTE: the comments are just to facilitate reading this gist, don't include those in your IntelliJ Live Templates.
some comments are just suggested template abbreviations for the live templates once you add them to your IDE
OSX templates file location examples:
~/Library/Preferences/IdeaIC2016.2/templates (IntelliJ)
$SOMENAME$ - are tab to points. You can name them anything but JetBrains tabs top down to each pair of $$
How to add an individual live template in your JetBrains IDE:
Mac (PC is almost exactly the same with the exception of step 1):
1) command +, to quickly get to the IDE properties (which also presents you with a search box)
2) if you haven't already, search "live templates"
3) highlight the template group in which you intend to add a new live template to
(don't add them to the out of box groups, create your own; this is a JetBrains good practice)
4) click the + and choose "Live Template"
5) Give it an abbreviation which you'll use as the live template shortcut when you code
6) Paste in the template text
7) Click the define link and tell it where you want to be able to use this template
usually it's either JavaScript: expression or JavaScript:statement or both depending on what the script is
8) click apply
How to import all the definitions in this Gist:
(instructions & sharable xml file you can import into your IDE coming soon)
// Mocha + Chai (expect) + enzyme + jsdom
// abbrev: spec-web
'use strict';
require('jsdom'); // I've got my own helper module, may or may not be useful to you
import chai from 'chai';
import chaiEnzyme from 'chai-enzyme';
import {shallow, mount} from 'enzyme';
const expect = require('chai').expect
describe('$DESCF$', () => {
it('should $DESCT$', () => {
// Mocha & Chai (expect)
// abbrev: spec
'use strict';
import {chai, expect} from 'chai';
describe('$DESCF$', () => {
it('should $DESCT$', () => {
// abbrev: desc
describe('$DESCRIPTION$', () => {
// abbrev: it
// note: $DONE$ is optional. If you want it to be an async test add 'done' there
it('should $DESCT$', ($DONE$) => {
/* JS - ES5 or prior */
// abbrev: strict
'use strict'
// abbrev: log
// abbrev: var
var $NAME$ = $VALUE$;
// abbrev: arr
// abbrev: lit
// abbrev: objc
Object.create($OBJECT$, {
//configurable, enumerable, value, writable, get, set
// abbrev: objaddprops
Object.defineProperties($OBJECT$, {
//configurable, enumerable, value, writable, get, set
// abbrev: switch
switch ($condition$) {
case $case$:
return $VALUE$;
// abbrev: for
for (var $INDEX$ = 0, len = $ARRAY$.length; $INDEX$ < len; $INDEX$++) {
var $VAR$ = $ARRAY$[$INDEX$];
// abbrev: if
if ($COND$) {
// abbrev: ifelse
if ($COND$) {
else {
// abbrev: map
$ARRAY$.map(($PARAMS$) =>
// abbrev: turn
// module pattern
//abbrev: mod
var $NAME$ = (() => {
var $NAME$ = {},
privateVariable = 1;
function privateMethod() {
$NAME$.moduleProperty = $VALUE$;
$NAME$.moduleMethod = () => {
return $NAME$;
/* ES6 */
// abbrev: imp
import {$MEMBERS$} from '$MODULE$';
// abbrev: cst
const $NAME$ = $VALUE$;
// abbrev: let
let $NAME$ = $VALUE$;
// abbrev: objass
Object.assign({}, $OBJECT$);
// abbrev: arrow
($PARAMS$) => {
return $BODY$;
// abbrev: iife
// abbrev: prom
.then(() => {
return $END$
misc references:
/* abbrev: rcondand
conditional rendering of react components
<div className="all-20">
{this.state.rendered && <TableOfContents company={company}/>}
{$COND$ && $JSX$}
// abbrev: rcondor
{$COND$ || $JSX$}
// abbrev: rclass
// abbrev: rprop
// abbrev: rpropconst
const $NAME$ = this.props.$NAME$;
// abbrev: rpropt
// abbrev: rpropdefault
getDefaultProps: () => {
return {
// abbrev: render
// abbrev: rstatelessfunc
const $NAME$ = ($PROPS$, $CONTEXT$) =>
<div className="$VALUES$">Hi {}</div>
// abbrev: rreturn
return <div>{$CONTENT$}</div>
// abbrev: rbutton
<button type="button"$END$>
// abbrev: rbuttonprops
const Button = props$END$ => <button type="button" {...props}$END$>
/* REDUX */
// coming soon
/* Node.js */
// coming soon
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dschinkel commented Jan 23, 2017

@Gryff thx. good one! I'll add that to mine as well

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