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Created September 11, 2018 22:49
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miniMax Algorithm in Elm - Tests - next move wins - Implementation 3 - With Fold
module Scorer exposing (..)
import Array exposing (fromList, get, map, set)
import List exposing (foldl, map)
import Maybe exposing (withDefault)
markerX : Char
markerX =
empty : Char
empty =
' '
nextBestMove : List (List Char) -> Int
nextBestMove gameNode =
node = fromList gameNode
currentBoard =
fromList node
row1 =
get 0 currentBoard
row1NextState =
set 2 markerX (withDefault (Array.initialize 3 (always empty)) row1)
row2 =
get 1 currentBoard
row2NextState =
set 2 markerX (withDefault (Array.initialize 3 (always empty)) row2)
if winnerFound row1NextState then
else if winnerFound row2NextState then
markerFound : Char -> Array.Array Char -> Array.Array Bool
markerFound marker row = (\cell -> cell == marker) row
winnerFound : Array.Array Char -> Bool
winnerFound row =
Array.foldl (\wasFound found -> wasFound == found) True (markerFound markerX row)
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