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Last active October 22, 2021 09:45
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Let's have public Git chalk talks (topic of the Git Contributor Summit 2021)
This session was led by Emily Shaffer. Supporting cast: Ævar Arnfjörð
Bjarmason, brian m. carlson, CB Bailey, and Junio Hamano.
1. What’s a public chalk talk?
1. At Google, once a week, the team meets up with no particular topic in
mind, or a couple topics, very informal
2. One person’s turn each week to give an informal talk with a white
board (not using chalk)
3. Topic should be technical and of interest to the presenter
4. For example: how does protocol v2 work
5. Collaborative, interactive user session
6. Helps by learning about things
7. Helps by honing skills like presentation skills
8. A lot of (good) humility involved. For example, colleagues who have
been familiar with the project for a long time admitting they don’t
know, or have been wrong about things. Makes others feel more
comfortable with their perceived lack of knowledge
9. Could be good for everybody on the Git mailing list, might foster less
combative communication on the list
10. Might be a way to attract new people by presenting “old timers” as
2. Does that appeal to anybody else?
3. Ævar: I think it would be great, has been a long time we’ve seen each
other, and already feels different
4. One thing to keep in mind: it’s hard to program on a white board :-)
5. Emily: some challenges:
1. How often?
2. What time?
3. Probably move things around (because we’re global)
4. Tech to use? Jitsi? Twitch? (Twitch seems to be particularly popular to
teach programming)
5. Figure out what topics to present
6. Ævar: does not matter what tech to use
7. Emily: some difference may make it matter: on Twitch, you can record, and
they host recordings
8. One thing to worry about recording: people might be reticent to make
public mistakes
9. It’s possible to do a Twitch stream, and not record it
10. brian: maybe record it, but not keep the recordings forever
11. People might be uncomfortable having their homes being recorded
12. At GitHub, some sessions are recorded just so people from other timezones
can watch later
13. CB: would be a nice way to see the other contributors
14. Really like the idea, hopefully won’t replace other things we do
15. Emily: internally, often about patch series in progress (or not even
16. So retaining recordings for long time makes even less sense
17. Weekly might be too frequently, Monthly cadence sound more reasonable?
18. Junio: not sure we want an official schedule
19. Assumed this would be an extension of what we do on IRC
20. Remember when Linus would drop in and talk about a specific topic in
depth, was nice
21. Now we have video
22. Emily: I fear if we don’t schedule it, it’ll never happen
23. Ævar: would like it to be organized, maybe try some schedule and then
24. brian: if it is scheduled, I can put it on my calendar, otherwise might be
hard to block the time
25. Every two weeks would be fine, especially when alternating timezones
26. Emily: who besides me wants to volunteer for the other timezone?
27. Ævar: if you start a schedule, I’ll see what I can do
28. CB: also interested
29. brian: can do, but Toronto is probably too close to California time
30. Junio: schedule should be put on
31. Emily: how about using a Google Sheet just like for the Contributors’
32. One advantage to decide the topic in advance is that people can decide
whether to make time to attend, on the other hand people might show up
with a polished PowerPoint, which is not the idea
33. brian: we can try, and if it does not work, make it less formal
34. Emily: pretty much got what I need to start this
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