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Created May 31, 2014 03:43
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Simple hack to create Passbook .pkpass file
import sys, os.path, hashlib, re
import zipfile
import subprocess
from StringIO import StringIO
from io import BytesIO
# Passbook Hack
# David Schuetz
# 30 May 2014
# Simple hack that builds a Passbook .pkpass file.
# Requires openssl to perform S/MIME detached signature.
# Requires Apple WWDR CA Cert, and Apple Developer Cert / Key that
# matches the passbook ID within the pass.json file.
# 1. Go to provisioning profile, create a new Pass Type ID
# 2. Download genereated pass.cer file and import into Keychain
# 3. Export as Certificates.p12
# 4. Split out key and cert:
# openssl pkcs12 -in Certificates.p12 -clcerts -nokeys -out passcert.pem
# openssl pkcs12 -in Certificates.p12 -nocerts -out passkey.pem
# 5. Download Apple WWDR certificate:
# Export from Keychain to wwdr.pem
# 6. Put supporting files in a new folder called "components"
# logo.png, logo@2x.png, thumbnail.png, thumbnail@2x.png, etc.
# (see "files" list below)
# 7. Move the .pem files into components
# 8. Create components/pass.json with the contents of the passbook pass
# 9. Run the script. Cross your fingers.
# For detailed Passbook documentation, see the official Apple docs:
# to hash the manifest:
# shasum manifest
# to manually parse the signature:
# openssl asn1parse -in signature -inform der
# you should see the shasum in there somewhere (under :messageDigest)
# to manually verify the signature:
# openssl smime -verify -in signature -content manifest.json -inform der -noverify
# the "-noverify" means to not verify the entire CA chain, just check the
# message signature vs the content, using the certs embeeded in signature
APP_MEDIA_DIR = './components/'
files = ('pass.json', 'logo.png', 'logo@2x.png', 'icon.png', 'icon@2x.png',
'thumbnail.png', 'thumbnail@2x.png')
# load supporting files, hash 'em, build up manifest
file_data = {}
file_hashes = {}
manifest = '{\n'
for file in files:
f = open(APP_MEDIA_DIR + file, 'r')
data =
filename = os.path.basename(file)
file_data[filename] = data
file_hashes[filename] = hashlib.sha1(data).hexdigest()
manifest += ' "%s":"%s",\n' % (filename, file_hashes[filename])
manifest += '}\n'
# write the manifest to manifest.json
f = open(APP_MEDIA_DIR + 'manifest.json', 'w')
# sign the manifest, save as a detatched binary DER signature in "signature"
cmd = '/usr/bin/openssl smime -sign -signer %s -inkey %s -certfile %s -in %smanifest -out %ssignature -outform der -binary' % (PASS_CERT_FILENAME, PASS_KEY_FILENAME, WWDR_FILENAME, APP_MEDIA_DIR, APP_MEDIA_DIR )
print cmd, shell=True)
# add manifest and signature to the list of files
for file in ['manifest.json', 'signature']:
f = open(APP_MEDIA_DIR + file, 'r')
data =
filename = os.path.basename(file)
file_data[filename] = data
file_hashes[filename] = hashlib.sha1(data).hexdigest()
# put all the files into a zip file
zipdata = BytesIO()
zip = zipfile.ZipFile(zipdata, 'w')
for filename, data in file_data.items():
zip.writestr(filename, data)
# and write the zip file to pass.pkpass
f = open('pass.pkpass', 'w')
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meoyawn commented Feb 3, 2020

thank you so much for this

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