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Last active October 1, 2020 15:13
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MORE COMPLETE CODE WITH DATA AT R script to read digitized bark contours and calculate bark thickness distributions. See Schwilk, D.W., M. Gaetani and H.M. Poulos. 2013. Oak bark allometry and fire survival strategies in the Chihuahuan Desert Sky Islands, Texas, USA. PLoS One: 8(11) e79285. DOI: 10.137…
## R code to calculate bark thickness distributions from a digitized contour
## D.W. Schwilk 2013
## (See Adams and Jackson 1995 for description of the method)
SSPAR = 0.7
themeopts <- theme(axis.title.y = element_text(size = textsize, angle = 90, vjust=0.3),
axis.title.x = element_text(size = textsize, vjust=-0.3),
panel.background = element_rect(size = 1.6, fill = NA),
panel.border = element_rect(size = 1.6, fill=NA),
axis.text.x = element_text(size=14),
axis.text.y = element_text(size=14),
panel.grid.minor = element_line(colour = NA),
panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = NA))
## Helper functions
## Euclidian distance
dist <- function(x1,y1,x2,y2){
return(sqrt( (x1-x2)**2 + (y1-y2)**2))
## Intersection of 2 circles
cintersect <- function(x1,y1,x2,y2,r){
e <- x2-x1
f <- y2-y1
p <- sqrt(e^2 + f^2)
k <- (p^2) / (2*p)
x3 <- x1 + ((e*k) /p) + ((f/p) * sqrt(r^2 - k^2))
y3 <- y1 + ((f*k) /p) - ((e/p) * sqrt(r^2 - k^2))
x4 <- x1 + ((e*k) /p) - ((f/p) * sqrt(r^2 - k^2))
y4 <- y1 + ((f*k) /p) + ((e/p) * sqrt(r^2 - k^2))
## only return the upper (higher y) intersection
if (is.nan(y3)) {
x <- NA
y <- NA
} else if (y3 > y1) {
} else {
# x, y: the x and y coordinates of the hull points
# n: the number of points in the curve.
bez <- function(x, y, t)
outx <- 0
outy <- 0
n <- length(x)-1
for (i in 0:n)
outx <- outx + choose(n, i)*((1-t)^(n-i))*t^i*x[i+1]
outy <- outy + choose(n, i)*((1-t)^(n-i))*t^i*y[i+1]
return (list(x=outx, y=outy))
bezierCurve <- function(x, y, n=10)
outx <- NULL
outy <- NULL
i <- 1
for (t in seq(0, 1, length.out=n))
b <- bez(x, y, t)
outx[i] <- b$x
outy[i] <- b$y
i <- i+1
return (list(x=outx, y=outy))
# Example usage
## <- c(4,6,4,5,6,7)
## y <- 1:6
## plot(x, y, "o", pch=20)
## points(bezierCurve(x,y,20), type="l", col="red")
### Center of tree bole find circle intersections fo each point on tree bole
### and average as best estimate of center location. x, y and r are vectors.
### One value for each bore depth <- function(x,y,r){
cx <- c()
cy <- c()
for(p1 in 1:(length(x)-1)) {
for(p2 in (p1+1):length(x)) {
origin <- cintersect(x[p1],y[p1],x[p2],y[p2],r)
cx <- append(cx,origin[1])
cy <-append(cy,origin[2])
cart2polar <- function(df) {
return(data.frame( r = sqrt(df$x^2 + df$y^2), theta = atan2(df$y,df$x)) )
polar2cart <- function(df) {
return(data.frame(x = df$r * cos(df$theta), y = df$r * sin(df$theta)))
local.maxima <- function(x,y,n=5) {
out.x <- c()
out.y <- c()
s <- seq(min(x),max(x),length.out=n+1)
for(i in seq(1,n) ) {
j <- which.max(y[x>s[i] & x<s[i+1]])
out.x <- append(out.x, x[x>s[i] & x<s[i+1]][j] )
out.y <- append(out.y, y[x>s[i] & x<s[i+1]][j])
return(list(x = out.x, y = out.y))
### FUNCTION: get.curves Returns data frame with inner (cambial curve
### approximation, and outer contour), both truncated to estimable
### arc
# Note: we do any unit conversions prior. For now we are assuming all coords and
# lengths are in same units.
# Arguments:
# - bore.x, bore.y and blengths are three vectors that contain the x,y and
# depth information. These obviously must all be in the correct order as the
# values really should be lines in a data frame
# - diam: the diameter of the tree at contour height
# - contour.x/y: long vector describing the actual outer contour from the
# - carpenters tool
get.curves <- function(bore.x, bore.y, blengths, diam, contour.x, contour.y, method="bezierPolar") {
# get tree radius (including bark)
r <- diam/2.0
# trim contour to arc needed based on bores
rowsneeded = contour.x < max(bore.x) & contour.x > min(bore.x)
contour.x <- contour.x[rowsneeded]
contour.y <- contour.y[rowsneeded]
# solve for center of bole -- first rough pass
origin <-,bore.y,r)
center.x <- origin[1]
center.y <- origin[2]
## print( center.x)
## print( center.y)
## convert all coordinates to new origin (center of bole)
bore.x <- bore.x-center.x
bore.y <- bore.y- center.y
contour.x <- contour.x - center.x
contour.y <- contour.y - center.y
# convert all pts, contour and bores pts to polar coords with origin center
# of bole
bore.R <- sqrt(bore.x^2 + bore.y^2)
bore.theta <- atan2(bore.y,bore.x)
bore.inner.R <- bore.R - blengths
contour.R <- sqrt(contour.x^2 + contour.y^2)
contour.theta <-atan2(contour.y,contour.x)
### now get more accurate center:
cmax <- local.maxima(contour.theta, contour.R , 6)
# new origin (in cart coords)
tx <- cmax$y * cos(cmax$x)
ty <- cmax$y * sin(cmax$x)
## print(tx)
## print(ty)
## print(bore.x)
## print(bore.y)
new.origin <-$y * cos(cmax$x), cmax$y * sin(cmax$x), r )
center.x <- new.origin[1]
center.y <- new.origin[2]
# transform to new origin:
bore.x <- bore.x-center.x
bore.y <- bore.y- center.y
contour.x <- contour.x - center.x
contour.y <- contour.y - center.y
# convert all pts, contour and bores pts to polar coords with origin center
# of bole
bore.R <- sqrt(bore.x^2 + bore.y^2)
bore.theta <- atan2(bore.y,bore.x)
bore.inner.R <- bore.R - blengths
contour.R <- sqrt(contour.x^2 + contour.y^2)
contour.theta <-atan2(contour.y,contour.x)
## for graphing:
bore.inner.x <- bore.inner.R *cos(bore.theta)
bore.inner.y <- bore.inner.R * sin(bore.theta)
## smoothing methods each produces a smooth innner bole based on bore pts and
## outputs result in cartesian and polar coords methods smooth on polar
## coordinates ath x and y -- seems to work best to enfroce overal
## circularity
if(method == "bezier") {
t <- bezierCurve(bore.theta,bore.inner.R, length(contour.theta))
inner.theta <- t$x
inner.r <- t$y
# and cartesian version
inner.x <- inner.r * cos(inner.theta)
inner.y <- inner.r * sin(inner.theta)
} else if (method=="circle") {
### method 1: circular bole
## ## average inner radius (for inner as circle rather than loess)
## then get inner contour of bores as cartesian coordinates (lx,ly)
radius.ave <- mean(bore.R-blengths)
inner.theta = contour.theta
inner.r = radius.ave
# and cartesian version
inner.x <- radius.ave * cos(contour.theta)
inner.y <- radius.ave * sin(contour.theta)
} else if (method=="spline") {
fspline <- splinefun(x=bore.theta,y=bore.inner.R)
inner.theta <- contour.theta
inner.r <- fspline(inner.theta)
inner.x <- inner.r * cos(inner.theta)
inner.y <- inner.r * sin(inner.theta)
} else if (method=="smoothSpline") {
fspline <- smooth.spline(x=bore.theta,y=bore.inner.R,spar = SSPAR, all.knots=TRUE)
inner.theta <- contour.theta
inner.r <- predict(fspline, inner.theta)$y
inner.x <- inner.r * cos(inner.theta)
inner.y <- inner.r * sin(inner.theta)
} else {
print("Unknown method")
ndata <- data.frame(outer.theta = contour.theta, outer.r = contour.R, inner.r = inner.r, outer.x = contour.x, outer.y= contour.y, inner.x=inner.x, inner.y=inner.y, bt = contour.R-inner.r)
bdata <- data.frame(bore.inner.x=bore.inner.x,bore.inner.y=bore.inner.y)
return( list(ndata, bdata, data.frame(x=bore.x, y = bore.y)) )
read.contour <- function(fname) {
t <- read.table(fname, header=FALSE, col.names = c("X","Y"))
t$Y <- 10000 - t$Y
t <- t[order(t$X),]
t <- ddply(t, .(X), summarize, Y = mean(Y))
read.pts <- function(fname) {
t <- read.table(fname, header=FALSE, col.names = c("X","Y","depth"))
t$Y <- 10000 - t$Y
t <- t[order(t$X),]
######## trial script for actual directory layout
corrected.thickness <- function(df){
theta.out <- seq(min(df$outer.theta), max(df$outer.theta), length.out=500) <- approxfun(df$outer.theta, df$bt, rule=2)
#### main script
##PX_PER_MM <- 11.7
### read master summary file
bark.sum <- read.csv(paste(DATA_FOLDER, "BarkData.csv", sep="/"))
DATA_FOLDER <- "./lumped"
#results.df <- bark.sum # for output
results.df <- data.frame(TreeID = NULL, bark.thicknesses = NULL)
for( id in bark.sum$TreeID) {
diam <- 10 * bark.sum$D60[bark.sum$TreeID==id] # convert to mm from cm
res <- bark.sum$[bark.sum$TreeID==id]
pfile = paste(DATA_FOLDER, "/", id, "pts.txt",sep="")
cfile = paste(DATA_FOLDER, "/", id, "xy.txt",sep="")
if (file.exists(pfile) & file.exists(cfile)) {
points <- read.pts(pfile)
contour <- read.contour(cfile)
## correct units
cx <- contour$X / res
cy <- contour$Y / res
px <- points$X / res
py <- points$Y / res
t <- get.curves(px,py, points$depth, diam,cx,cy, method="smoothSpline")
thick.df <- t[[1]]
bore.df <- t[[2]]
## make graph
#pdf(paste(id,"bark-plot.pdf",sep="_"), width=10,height=5)
#print( qplot(outer.x, outer.y, data=thick.df) + geom_line(aes(inner.x, inner.y, data=thick.df), size=3, color= "blue") + geom_line(aes(bore.inner.x, bore.inner.y),data=bore.df, size=4, color= "green") )
# get thicknesses
thicknesses <- corrected.thickness(thick.df)
t.df<-data.frame(TreeID = id, bark.thicknesses = thicknesses)
results.df <- rbind(results.df,t.df)
} else { # end if file exists, otehrwise skip to next file name
print(paste("No file found for tree ID:", id))
### now write results.df to a csv file if you want to save the info
write.csv(results.df, file = "barkthick.csv", row.names = FALSE)
### code to make example figure of a contour
ma <- function(x,n=3){filter(x,rep(1/n,n), sides=2)}
makeContour <- function(id) {
pfile = paste(DATA_FOLDER, "/", id, "pts.txt",sep="")
cfile = paste(DATA_FOLDER, "/", id, "xy.txt",sep="")
diam <- 10 * bark.sum$D60[bark.sum$TreeID==id] # convert to mm from cm
res <- bark.sum$[bark.sum$TreeID==id]
pfile = paste(DATA_FOLDER, "/", id, "pts.txt",sep="")
cfile = paste(DATA_FOLDER, "/", id, "xy.txt",sep="")
points <- read.pts(pfile)
contour <- read.contour(cfile)
## correct units
cx <- contour$X / res
cy <- contour$Y / res
px <- points$X / res
py <- points$Y / res
t <- get.curves(px,py, points$depth, diam,cx,cy, method="smoothSpline")
thick.df <- t[[1]]
bore.df <- t[[2]]
outpoints <- t[[3]]
thick.df$outer.y2 <- ma(thick.df$outer.y)
## make graph
boresegs <- data.frame(xo = outpoints$x,
yo = outpoints$y,
xi = bore.df$bore.inner.x,
yi = bore.df$bore.inner.y)
bark.polygon <- data.frame(x = c(thick.df$outer.x, thick.df$inner.x), y = c(thick.df$outer.y, thick.df$inner.y))
ggplot(thick.df, aes(x=outer.x, y=outer.y2)) +
# geom_ribbon(aes(ymin=outer.y2,ymax = inner.y), color = "gray", alpha = 0.5) + # filled area of bark
# geom_polygon(aes(x=x,y=y), data = bark.polygon, color = gray, alpha = 0.5) +
geom_segment(aes(x=xo,y=yo,xend=xi,yend=yi), data = boresegs,
size = 1.25,
alpha = 0.9,
arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.4,"cm"))) +
geom_line(aes(inner.x, inner.y), size=1.5, linetype="dashed") + # smoothed inner bole
geom_line(size=1.5) + # outer bark contour line
# geom_point(aes(bore.inner.x, bore.inner.y),data=bore.df, size=3) +
scale_x_continuous("X dimension (cm)") +
scale_y_continuous("Y dimension (cm)") +
coord_fixed(ratio=1) + themeopts
# geom_point(aes(x,y), data = outpoints, color = "blue", size = 3)
DATA_FOLDER <- "./lumped"
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