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Created February 27, 2013 14:45
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Port of Created in a Scala IDE worksheet.
import scalaz._
import Scalaz._
object monads {
def fix[A](f: (=> A) => A): A = f(fix(f)) //> fix: [A](f: => A => A)A
type Gen[A] = (=> A) => A
def gFib: Gen[Int => Int] = (self) => n =>
if(n == 0 || n == 1) n
else {
val s = self
s(n - 2) + s(n - 1)
} //> gFib: => => Int => Int => (Int => Int)
def fibg = fix(gFib) //> fibg: => Int => Int
fibg(10) //> res0: Int = 55
def gmFib[M[_]](implicit m: Monad[M]): Gen[Int => M[Int]] = self => n =>
if(n == 0 || n == 1) m pure n
else {
val s = self
for {
a <- s(n - 2)
b <- s(n - 1)
} yield a + b
} //> gmFib: [M[_]](implicit m: scalaz.Monad[M])=> Int => M[Int] => (Int => M[Int]
//| )
def fibgm = (n: Int) => fix(gmFib[Identity])(n).value
//> fibgm: => Int => Int
fibgm(10) //> res1: Int = 55
type Dict[A, B, M[_]] = (A => M[Option[B]], (A, B) => M[Unit])
def memo[A,B,M[_]](dict: Dict[A, B, M])(supe: => (A => M[B]))(implicit m: Monad[M]): A => M[B] = {
val (check, store) = dict
a => for {
b <- check(a)
value <- b match {
case Some(b) => m pure b
case None => {
val sups = supe
for {
b <- sups(a)
_ <- store(a, b)
} yield b
} yield value
} //> memo: [A, B, M[_]](dict: (A => M[Option[B]], (A, B) => M[Unit]))(supe: => A
//| => M[B])(implicit m: scalaz.Monad[M])A => M[B]
def memoCompose[A, B, M[_]: Monad](dict: Dict[A,B,M], gen: Gen[A => M[B]]): Gen[A => M[B]] =
{ self => memo(dict)(gen(self)) } //> memoCompose: [A, B, M[_]](dict: (A => M[Option[B]], (A, B) => M[Unit]), gen
//| : => A => M[B] => (A => M[B]))(implicit evidence$1: scalaz.Monad[M])=> A =>
//| M[B] => (A => M[B])
def memoFib[M[_]: Monad](dict: Dict[Int, Int, M])(n: Int): M[Int] =
fix (memoCompose(dict, gmFib)) (n) //> memoFib: [M[_]](dict: (Int => M[Option[Int]], (Int, Int) => M[Unit]))(n: In
//| t)(implicit evidence$2: scalaz.Monad[M])M[Int]
type MapState[X] = State[Map[Int, Int], X]
val mapDict: Dict[Int, Int, MapState] =
(a => gets(_.get(a)),(a, b) => modify(_ + (a -> b)))
//> mapDict : (Int => monads.MapState[Option[Int]], (Int, Int) => monads.MapSt
//| ate[Unit]) = (<function1>,<function2>)
def memoMapFib(n: Int): State[Map[Int, Int], Int] = memoFib(mapDict)(n)
//> memoMapFib: (n: Int)scalaz.State[Map[Int,Int],Int]
def runMemoMapFib(n: Int) = memoMapFib(n) ! Map()
//> runMemoMapFib: (n: Int)Int
runMemoMapFib(10) //> res2: Int = 55
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