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Created January 28, 2017 11:07
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# Reference R implementation
# quite optimized, only 7-15x slower
FTRL_R = function(alpha, beta, lambda1, lambda2, nfeature, z = NULL, n = NULL) {
z = init_ftrl_param(z, n_features)
n = init_ftrl_param(n, n_features)
alpha = alpha
beta = beta
lambda1 = lambda1
lambda2 = lambda2
sigmoid = function(x) {
1 / (1 + exp(-x))
w_ftprl = function(i) {
retval = numeric(length(i))
# index = which(abs(z[i]) > lambda1)
index = abs(z[i]) > lambda1
j = i[index]
z_j = z[j]
n_j = n[j]
retval[index] = - (z_j - sign(z_j) * lambda1) / (lambda2 + (beta + sqrt(n_j)) / alpha)
predict_internal = function(j, x) {
w = w_ftprl(j)
# print(w)
sigmoid(crossprod(x, w)[[1L]])
partial_fit = function(x, y, with_pb = interactive()) {#x_cv = NULL, y_cv = NULL, check_each_n = 1e5, j = 1:1e5 ) {
# cv_train_n = length(j)
# x_cv_train = x[, j]
p = numeric(ncol(x))
if (with_pb)
pb = txtProgressBar(max = ncol(x), style = 3)
for(col in seq_len(ncol(x))) {
# if(col %% 1e4 == 0) {
# message(paste(Sys.time(), "sample", col))
# }
index =
if (x@p[[col]] == x@p[[col + 1L]]) integer(0)
else[[col]], x@p[[col + 1L]] - 1L, by = 1L)
i = x@i[index + 1L] + 1L
xx = x@x[index + 1L]
p[[col]] = predict_internal(i, xx)
# if(col %% check_each_n == 0)
# message(p[[col]])
n_i = n[i]
z_i = z[i]
g = (p[[col]] - y[[col]]) * xx
n_i_g2 = n_i + g * g
s = (sqrt(n_i_g2) - sqrt(n_i)) / alpha
z[i] <<- z_i + g - s * w_ftprl(i)
n[i] <<- n_i_g2
# print(z)
# if(col %% check_each_n == 0 && !is.null(x_cv)) {
# if(!is.null(x_cv) && !is.null(y_cv)) {
# cv_score = round(glmnet::auc(y = y_cv, prob = predict(x_cv, FALSE)), 4)
# train_score = round(glmnet::auc(y = y[j], prob = predict(x_cv_train, FALSE)), 4)
# message(Sys.time(), " ", col, " - ", "cv = ", cv_score, " train = ", train_score)
# }
# }
if (with_pb)
setTxtProgressBar(pb, col)
if (with_pb)
list(p = p, z = z, n = n)
predict = function(x, with_pb = interactive(), check = 10) {
p = numeric(ncol(x))
if (with_pb)
pb = txtProgressBar(max = ncol(x), style = 3)
for(col in seq_len(ncol(x))) {
index =
if (x@p[[col]] == x@p[[col + 1L]])
else[[col]], x@p[[col + 1L]] - 1L, by = 1L)
i = x@i[index + 1L] + 1L
xx = x@x[index + 1L]
p[[col]] = predict_internal(i, xx)
# if(col %% check == 0)
# message(p[[col]])
if (with_pb)
setTxtProgressBar(pb, col)
if (with_pb)
list(predict = predict, partial_fit = partial_fit)
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