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Last active April 15, 2021 02:50
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Toy demo for delab path to textual porting
import Lean
import Std.Data.HashSet
open Lean Lean.PrettyPrinter.Delaborator
open Std (HashSet)
namespace CollectTerms
structure State where
visitedExpr : HashSet Expr := {}
terms : HashSet Expr := {}
deriving Inhabited
abbrev CollectM := StateRefT State MetaM
def collect (e : Expr) : CollectM Unit := do
if (← get).visitedExpr.contains e then return ()
match e with
| Expr.const n _ _ => modify fun s => { s with terms := s.terms.insert e }
| Expr.proj _ _ e _ => collect e
| Expr.forallE _ d b _ => collect d *> collect b
| Expr.lam _ d b _ => collect d *> collect b
| f a _ => collect f *> collect a
| Expr.mdata _ b _ => collect b
| Expr.letE _ t v b _ => collect t *> collect v *> collect b
| Expr.fvar fvarId _ => modify fun s => { s with terms := s.terms.insert e }
| _ => pure ()
modify fun s => { s with visitedExpr := s.visitedExpr.insert e }
def collectTerms (e : Expr) : MetaM (HashSet Expr) := do
let ⟨_, s⟩ ← (collect e).run {}
end CollectTerms
export CollectTerms (collectTerms)
namespace Delab.Simp
def blacklist : HashSet Name :=
({} : HashSet Name)
|>.insert `ofEqTrue
|>.insert `congrArg
|>.insert `congrFun
|>.insert `Eq
|>.insert `Eq.trans
|>.insert `True
|>.insert `False
|>.insert `eqSelf
def collectSimpNames (e : Expr) : MetaM (HashSet Name) := do
-- TODO: subtract the names that are in the default simp set
let mut names : HashSet Name := {}
for term in (← collectTerms e).toArray do
if !(← Meta.isProp (← Meta.inferType term)) then continue
match term with
| Expr.const n .. =>
if blacklist.contains n then continue
names := names.insert n
| _ => names := names.insert (← Meta.getFVarLocalDecl term).userName
return names
@[delab app.ofEqTrue]
def delabSimp : Delab := do
-- TODO: this is incredibly incomplete!
let e ← getExpr
let names := (← collectSimpNames e).toArray
let simpLemmas : Array Syntax := mkIdent
let stx : Syntax ← `(by simp [$[$simpLemmas:term],*])
pure stx
def delabSimpHyp : Delab := do
-- TODO: this is incredibly incomplete!
let e ← getExpr
if !e.isAppOfArity ` 4 then failure
let arg := e.appArg!
if !arg.isFVar then failure
let h := mkIdent (← Meta.getFVarLocalDecl arg).userName
let pf := e.getArg! 2
let names := (← collectSimpNames pf).toArray
let simpLemmas : Array Syntax := mkIdent
let stx : Syntax ← `(by simp only [$[$simpLemmas:term],*] at $h:ident; exact $h:term)
pure stx
end Delab.Simp
def double : Nat → Nat
| 0 => 0
| n+1 => double n + 2
axiom Nat.doubleTimesTwo (n : Nat) : double n = 2 * n
axiom Nat.timesTwoAddSelf (n : Nat) : 2 * n = n + n
theorem foo (n : Nat) : double n = n + n := by
simp [Nat.doubleTimesTwo, Nat.timesTwoAddSelf]
#print foo
theorem foo : ∀ (n : Nat), double n = n + n :=
fun (n : Nat) =>
simp [Nat.doubleTimesTwo, Nat.timesTwoAddSelf]
theorem bar (n : Nat) (h₁ : double n = n + n) (h₂ : double n = n + n) : 2 * n = n + n ∧ n + n = n + n := by
simp only [Nat.doubleTimesTwo] at h₁
simp only [Nat.doubleTimesTwo, Nat.timesTwoAddSelf] at h₂
exact ⟨h₁, h₂⟩
#print bar
theorem bar : ∀ (n : Nat), double n = n + n → double n = n + n → 2 * n = n + n ∧ n + n = n + n :=
fun (n : Nat) (h₁ h₂ : double n = n + n) =>
{ left :=
simp only [Nat.doubleTimesTwo]at h₁;
exact h₁,
right :=
simp only [Nat.doubleTimesTwo, Nat.timesTwoAddSelf]at h₂;
exact h₂ }
theorem baz (n : Nat) (h₁ : double n = n + n) (h₂ : double n = n + n) : n + n = n + n := by
simp only [h₁] at h₂
exact h₂
#print baz
theorem baz : ∀ (n : Nat), double n = n + n → double n = n + n → n + n = n + n :=
fun (n : Nat) (h₁ h₂ : double n = n + n) =>
simp only [h₁]at h₂;
exact h₂
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