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Created August 14, 2012 20:09
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jQuery.validator.addMethod("phoneUS", function(phone_number, element) {
phone_number = phone_number.replace(/\s+/g, "");
/*return this.optional(element) || phone_number.length > 9 &&
phone_number.match(/^\(\d{3}\) ?\d{3}( |-)?\d{4}|^\d{3}( |-)?\d{3}( |-)?\d{4}/);*/
return this.optional(element) || phone_number.length > 9 &&
}, "Please specify a valid phone number<br>Example: 204-303-3403");
jQuery.validator.addMethod("zip", function(zip, element) {
zip = zip.replace(/\s+/g, "");
return this.optional(element) || zip.length > 4 &&
zip.match(/^\d{5}([\-]\d{4})?$/);}, "Please enter a valid zip code");
rules: {
field: {
required: true,
phoneUS: true,
zip: true
<div class="today1_middfilled" style="width:300px;">
<input type="text" class="today1_middinp phoneUS" value="<?=$phone; ?>" name="phone" id="phone"
style="width:250px;" maxlength="15"/>
<div style="color:#FF0000;" id="err_phone_name"><?=$err_phone_name; ?></div>
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