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Last active June 27, 2022 20:28
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  • Save dshoreman/c30d38a746674caa51495b766c65d69d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save dshoreman/c30d38a746674caa51495b766c65d69d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// Source:
const GUILD_ID = '',
clearMessages = function (guild_id, author_id, authToken, deleted = new Set()) {
const searchURL = `${guild_id}/messages/search?author_id=${author_id}&include_nsfw=true`
const headers = { Authorization: authToken }
let clock = 0
interval = 750
function delay(duration) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(resolve, duration)
function loadMessages() {
return fetch(searchURL, { headers })
function tryDeleteMessage(message) {
if ( == author_id && !deleted.has( { // skip already deleted messages
console.log(`Deleting message ${} from ${} (${message.content}...)`)
return fetch(`${message.channel_id}/messages/${}`, { headers, method: 'DELETE' })
let messagesStore = []
.then(resp => resp.json())
.then(messages => {
messages = messages.messages
if (messages === undefined || messages === null || messages.length == 0) {
console.log(`Couldn't load messages. Check guild id, author id, and auth token.`)
messages = messages.filter(m => m) // clean undefined
messages = [].concat.apply([], messages); // flatten
messages = messages.filter(m => m) // clean undefined
if (messages.length === 0) {
console.log(`Couldn't load messages. Check guild id, author id, and auth token.`)
messages = messages.filter(m => == author_id)`SUCCESS! Found ${messages.length} messages!`)
beforeId = messages[messages.length-1].id
messagesStore = messagesStore.concat(messages)
return Promise.all( => {
return delay(clock += interval)
.then(() => tryDeleteMessage(message))
.then(resp => {
if (resp) {
if (resp.status == 429) {
interval += 1000
console.log(`Too fast; bumping interval to ${interval}`)
} else if (resp.status === 204) {
deleted.add( // mark deleted
return resp.text()
.then(function() {
if (messagesStore.length !== 0) {
clearMessages(guild_id, author_id, authToken, deleted)
} else {
console.log(`We have loaded all messages in this chat.`)
var authToken = ""
if (authToken.length === 0) {
var localToken = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement(`iframe`)).contentWindow.localStorage.token
if (localToken === undefined) {
console.log(`Getting the auth token from localStorage isn't supported on Chrome or the desktop client. Use Firefox or grab it from a network request's headers.`)
console.log(`To do that go to the Network tab of your inspector and copy the Authorization header of a request. There are detailed instructions in the tutorial.`)
} else {
authToken = JSON.parse(localToken)
if (authToken.length !== 0) {
clearMessages(GUILD_ID, AUTHOR_ID, authToken)
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