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Last active January 27, 2022 01:28
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  • Save dshukertjr/eaf6edf8d27d7939e2a518edd8ca9881 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Some samples of custom workflow actions you can use inside your HubSpot workflow. These actions are not verified, and should be tested with your own responsibility whenever used. Make sure to add HAPIKEY as your secret.
const hubspot = require('@hubspot/api-client');
exports.main = (event, callback) => {
const hubspotClient = new hubspot.Client({
apiKey: process.env.HAPIKEY
// replace 'multiline' with your multi line text property name
hubspotClient.crm.contacts.basicApi.getById(event.object.objectId, ['multiline'])
.then(results => {
let multiline =;
multiline = multiline.replace(/(?:\r\n|\r|\n)/g, '<br>');
outputFields: {
const hubspot = require('@hubspot/api-client');
exports.main = async (event, callback) => {
const prefectureList = [
id: "01",
name: "北海道",
short: "北海道",
kana: "ホッカイドウ",
en: "hokkaidoken",
enShort: "hokkaido",
id: "02",
name: "青森県",
short: "青森",
kana: "アオモリケン",
en: "aomoriken",
enShort: "aomori",
id: "03",
name: "岩手県",
short: "岩手",
kana: "イワテケン",
en: "iwateken",
enShort: "iwate",
id: "04",
name: "宮城県",
short: "宮城",
kana: "ミヤギケン",
en: "miyagiken",
enShort: "miyagi",
id: "05",
name: "秋田県",
short: "秋田",
kana: "アキタケン",
en: "akitaken",
enShort: "akita",
id: "06",
name: "山形県",
short: "山形",
kana: "ヤマガタケン",
en: "yamagataken",
enShort: "yamagata",
id: "07",
name: "福島県",
short: "福島",
kana: "フクシマケン",
en: "fukushimaken",
enShort: "fukushima",
id: "08",
name: "茨城県",
short: "茨城",
kana: "イバラキケン",
en: "ibarakiken",
enShort: "ibaraki",
id: "09",
name: "栃木県",
short: "栃木",
kana: "トチギケン",
en: "tochigiken",
enShort: "tochigi",
id: "10",
name: "群馬県",
short: "群馬",
kana: "グンマケン",
en: "gunmaken",
enShort: "gunma",
id: "11",
name: "埼玉県",
short: "埼玉",
kana: "サイタマケン",
en: "saitamaken",
enShort: "saitama",
id: "12",
name: "千葉県",
short: "千葉",
kana: "チバケン",
en: "chibaken",
enShort: "chiba",
id: "13",
name: "東京都",
short: "東京",
kana: "トウキョウト",
en: "tokyoken",
enShort: "tokyo",
id: "14",
name: "神奈川県",
short: "神奈川",
kana: "カナガワケン",
en: "kanagawaken",
enShort: "kanagawa",
id: "15",
name: "新潟県",
short: "新潟",
kana: "ニイガタケン",
en: "niigataken",
enShort: "niigata",
id: "16",
name: "富山県",
short: "富山",
kana: "トヤマケン",
en: "toyamaken",
enShort: "toyama",
id: "17",
name: "石川県",
short: "石川",
kana: "イシカワケン",
en: "ishikawaken",
enShort: "ishikawa",
id: "18",
name: "福井県",
short: "福井",
kana: "フクイケン",
en: "fukuiken",
enShort: "fukui",
id: "19",
name: "山梨県",
short: "山梨",
kana: "ヤマナシケン",
en: "yamanashiken",
enShort: "yamanashi",
id: "20",
name: "長野県",
short: "長野",
kana: "ナガノケン",
en: "naganoken",
enShort: "nagano",
id: "21",
name: "岐阜県",
short: "岐阜",
kana: "ギフケン",
en: "gifuken",
enShort: "gifu",
id: "22",
name: "静岡県",
short: "静岡",
kana: "シズオカケン",
en: "shizuokaken",
enShort: "shizuoka",
id: "23",
name: "愛知県",
short: "愛知",
kana: "アイチケン",
en: "aichiken",
enShort: "aichi",
id: "24",
name: "三重県",
short: "三重",
kana: "ミエケン",
en: "mieken",
enShort: "mie",
id: "25",
name: "滋賀県",
short: "滋賀",
kana: "シガケン",
en: "shigaken",
enShort: "shiga",
id: "26",
name: "京都府",
short: "京都",
kana: "キョウトフ",
en: "kyotoken",
enShort: "kyoto",
id: "27",
name: "大阪府",
short: "大阪",
kana: "オオサカフ",
en: "osakaken",
enShort: "osaka",
id: "28",
name: "兵庫県",
short: "兵庫",
kana: "ヒョウゴケン",
en: "hyogoken",
enShort: "hyogo",
id: "29",
name: "奈良県",
short: "奈良",
kana: "ナラケン",
en: "naraken",
enShort: "nara",
id: "30",
name: "和歌山県",
short: "和歌山",
kana: "ワカヤマケン",
en: "wakayamaken",
enShort: "wakayama",
id: "31",
name: "鳥取県",
short: "鳥取",
kana: "トットリケン",
en: "tottoriken",
enShort: "tottori",
id: "32",
name: "島根県",
short: "島根",
kana: "シマネケン",
en: "shimaneken",
enShort: "shimane",
id: "33",
name: "岡山県",
short: "岡山",
kana: "オカヤマケン",
en: "okayamaken",
enShort: "okayama",
id: "34",
name: "広島県",
short: "広島",
kana: "ヒロシマケン",
en: "hiroshimaken",
enShort: "hiroshima",
id: "35",
name: "山口県",
short: "山口",
kana: "ヤマグチケン",
en: "yamaguchiken",
enShort: "yamaguchi",
id: "36",
name: "徳島県",
short: "徳島",
kana: "トクシマケン",
en: "tokushimaken",
enShort: "tokushima",
id: "37",
name: "香川県",
short: "香川",
kana: "カガワケン",
en: "kagawaken",
enShort: "kagawa",
id: "38",
name: "愛媛県",
short: "愛媛",
kana: "エヒメケン",
en: "ehimeken",
enShort: "ehime",
id: "39",
name: "高知県",
short: "高知",
kana: "コウチケン",
en: "kochiken",
enShort: "kochi",
id: "40",
name: "福岡県",
short: "福岡",
kana: "フクオカケン",
en: "fukuokaken",
enShort: "fukuoka",
id: "41",
name: "佐賀県",
short: "佐賀",
kana: "サガケン",
en: "sagaken",
enShort: "saga",
id: "42",
name: "長崎県",
short: "長崎",
kana: "ナガサキケン",
en: "nagasakiken",
enShort: "nagasaki",
id: "43",
name: "熊本県",
short: "熊本",
kana: "クマモトケン",
en: "kumamotoken",
enShort: "kumamoto",
id: "44",
name: "大分県",
short: "大分",
kana: "オオイタケン",
en: "oitaken",
enShort: "oita",
id: "45",
name: "宮崎県",
short: "宮崎",
kana: "ミヤザキケン",
en: "miyazakiken",
enShort: "miyazaki",
id: "46",
name: "鹿児島県",
short: "鹿児島",
kana: "カゴシマケン",
en: "kagoshimaken",
enShort: "kagoshima",
id: "47",
name: "沖縄県",
short: "沖縄",
kana: "オキナワケン",
en: "okinawaken",
enShort: "okinawa",
const hubspotClient = new hubspot.Client({
apiKey: process.env.HAPIKEY
const results = await hubspotClient.crm.contacts.basicApi.getById(event.object.objectId, ['state'])
/// コンタクトの今の都道府県
const currentState =
const lowercaseCurrentState = currentState.toLowerCase().replace(/[ぁ-ん]/g, s => String.fromCharCode(s.charCodeAt(0) + 0x60));
/// このアクションのアウトプットが入る変数
let state
for (const prefectureMap of prefectureList) { /// 上の都道府県リスト一個一個をループし、該当する値がないかチェックする
for (const prefectureString of Object.values(prefectureMap)) {
if (prefectureString.includes(lowercaseCurrentState)) {
* 該当する値があった場合はアウトプットする値としてname(日本語表記)をインプットする
* 日本語以外の表記に変換したい場合は'.name'を'.en'や'.enShort'に変えれば英語表記だったりにできる
state =
break loop1
/// もし該当する値がなかった場合は今の都道府県をそのまま返す
if(!state) {
state = currentState
outputFields: {
const hubspot = require('@hubspot/api-client')
* HubSpot will display an error when you paste this code, but it actually
* works if you ignore it and just save it.
* Workflow action to create a new deal on the same close date every month
* The date has to be 1st - 28th.
* If the date is 29th - 31st, the dates will be off at some point.
* Also, watch your API limit. This custom action calls the API 3 times everytime it runs.
exports.main = async (event, callback) => {
const hubspotClient = new hubspot.Client({
apiKey: process.env.HAPIKEY
const dealId = event.object.objectId
const results = await, [
const deal =
const closeDate = new Date(deal.closedate)
closeDate.setMonth(closeDate.getMonth() + 1)
const newDealData = {
properties: {
closedate: closeDate.getTime(),
amount: deal.amount,
dealname: deal.dealname,
dealstage: deal.dealstage,
const res = await
// Associate the new deal with the company that was originally associated with
const newDealId =
const associations = await, 'companies')
if(associations.body.results.length > 0) {
await, 'companies', associations.body.results[0].id, 'deal_to_company')
outputFields: {}
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