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Created September 5, 2018 07:23
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merklezied proof of custody
package main
import (
func keccak(data ...[]byte) []byte {
h := sha3.New256()
for i := range data {
return h.Sum(nil)
func merkelize(chunks [][]byte) [][]byte {
tree := make([][]byte, len(chunks)-1)
tree = append(tree, chunks...)
for i := len(chunks) - 2; i >= 0; i-- {
tree[i] = keccak(tree[i*2+1], tree[i*2+2])
return tree
func proof(tree [][]byte, chunkPosition int) [][]byte {
idx := chunkPosition + len(tree)/2 + 1
branch := make([][]byte, 0)
for idx > 1 {
branch = append(branch, tree[idx^1-1])
idx = idx / 2
return branch
func verify(root []byte, chunk []byte, position int, branch [][]byte) bool {
idx := position + (1 << uint(len(branch)))
value := keccak(chunk)
for i := range branch {
if idx%2 == 0 {
value = keccak(value, branch[i])
} else {
value = keccak(branch[i], value)
idx = idx / 2
return bytes.Compare(root, value) == 0
func main() {
// step 0. split single data ~64kb into 128 equal chunks (~500 bytes each).
data := make([]byte, 64000)
chunks := make([][]byte, 128)
chunkSize := len(data) / len(chunks)
start, end := 0, chunkSize
for i := range chunks {
chunks[i] = keccak(data[start:end])
start, end = end, end+chunkSize
// step 1. storer buids a binary merkle tree.
// commitment for a validator would be a root of the binary merkle tree (tree[0]) and chunk size:
// e.g. Commitment{Root: tree[0], ChunkSize: 500} + signature.
// verifier merkelizes chunks and verifies that returned root is correct.
tree := merkelize(chunks)
// step 2. if verifier wants to challenge the storer:
// it need to commit 4 values on chain:
// Original commitment with signature. Hash of the chunk and position of the chunk.
// step 3: storer can respond to a challenge using merkle branch for a concrete chunk.
// storer always can build a branch, because it knows how chunk is splitted.
branch := proof(tree, 2) // index of the original chunk
fmt.Printf("Size of the branch %d. Size of the single chunk %d\n", len(branch)*len(branch[0]), chunkSize)
assert(verify(tree[0], data[2*chunkSize:3*chunkSize], 2, branch))
// step 4:
// storer responds in two ways:
// 1. if verifier submitted wrong hash it can prove that the hash is wrong by submitting a branch for position
// provided in a challenge. And if the resulted root of tree matches one from the challenge - challenge is aborted.
// Verifier must pay to storer, because such situation can be created only intetionally.
// 2. if verifier submitted correct hash of the chunk - storer can just prove that it has this chunk by providing
// correct branch and original chunk of bytes. Hash of the original chunk must match the hash from a commitment.
// This solution requires storer to keep all the data, which is what we want to achieve. Storer never knows which
// chunk will be requested to prove, so it has to keep all the data.
func assert(rst bool) {
if !rst {
panic("test didnt met the expectation")
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