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Created June 3, 2018 07:42
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Scala syntax example
* Copyright (C) 2009-2018 Lightbend Inc. <>
package play.api.cache.caffeine
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import javax.inject.{ Inject, Provider, Singleton }
import javax.cache.CacheException
import akka.Done
import play.cache.caffeine.NamedCaffeineCache
import play.api.cache._
import play.api.inject._
import play.api.Configuration
import play.cache.{ NamedCacheImpl, SyncCacheApiAdapter, AsyncCacheApi => JavaAsyncCacheApi, DefaultAsyncCacheApi => JavaDefaultAsyncCacheApi, SyncCacheApi => JavaSyncCacheApi }
import scala.concurrent.duration.{ Duration, FiniteDuration }
import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Future }
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
* CaffeineCache components for compile time injection
trait CaffeineCacheComponents {
def configuration: Configuration
def actorSystem: ActorSystem
implicit def executionContext: ExecutionContext
lazy val caffeineCacheManager: CaffeineCacheManager = new CaffeineCacheManager(configuration.underlying.getConfig("play.cache.caffeine"))
* Use this to create with the given name.
def cacheApi(name: String): AsyncCacheApi = {
val ec = configuration.get[Option[String]]("play.cache.dispatcher")
new CaffeineCacheApi(NamedCaffeineCacheProvider.getNamedCache(name, caffeineCacheManager, configuration))(ec)
lazy val defaultCacheApi: AsyncCacheApi = cacheApi(configuration.underlying.getString("play.cache.defaultCache"))
* CaffeineCache implementation.
class CaffeineCacheModule extends SimpleModule((environment, configuration) => {
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
val defaultCacheName = configuration.underlying.getString("play.cache.defaultCache")
val bindCaches = configuration.underlying.getStringList("play.cache.bindCaches").asScala
// Creates a named cache qualifier
def named(name: String): NamedCache = {
new NamedCacheImpl(name)
// bind wrapper classes
def wrapperBindings(cacheApiKey: BindingKey[AsyncCacheApi], namedCache: NamedCache): Seq[Binding[_]] = Seq(
bind[JavaAsyncCacheApi].qualifiedWith(namedCache).to(new NamedJavaAsyncCacheApiProvider(cacheApiKey)),
bind[Cached].qualifiedWith(namedCache).to(new NamedCachedProvider(cacheApiKey)),
bind[SyncCacheApi].qualifiedWith(namedCache).to(new NamedSyncCacheApiProvider(cacheApiKey)),
bind[JavaSyncCacheApi].qualifiedWith(namedCache).to(new NamedJavaSyncCacheApiProvider(cacheApiKey))
// bind a cache with the given name
def bindCache(name: String) = {
val namedCache = named(name)
val caffeineCacheKey = bind[NamedCaffeineCache[Any, Any]].qualifiedWith(namedCache)
val cacheApiKey = bind[AsyncCacheApi].qualifiedWith(namedCache)
Seq( NamedCaffeineCacheProvider(name, configuration)), NamedAsyncCacheApiProvider(caffeineCacheKey))
) ++ wrapperBindings(cacheApiKey, namedCache)
def bindDefault[T: ClassTag]: Binding[T] = {
// alias the default cache to the unqualified implementation
) ++ bindCache(defaultCacheName) ++ bindCaches.flatMap(bindCache)
class CacheManagerProvider @Inject() (configuration: Configuration) extends Provider[CaffeineCacheManager] {
lazy val get: CaffeineCacheManager = {
val cacheManager: CaffeineCacheManager = new CaffeineCacheManager(configuration.underlying.getConfig("play.cache.caffeine"))
private[play] class NamedCaffeineCacheProvider(name: String, configuration: Configuration) extends Provider[NamedCaffeineCache[Any, Any]] {
@Inject private var manager: CaffeineCacheManager = _
lazy val get: NamedCaffeineCache[Any, Any] = NamedCaffeineCacheProvider.getNamedCache(name, manager, configuration)
private[play] object NamedCaffeineCacheProvider {
def getNamedCache(name: String, manager: CaffeineCacheManager, configuration: Configuration) = try {
manager.getCache(name).asInstanceOf[NamedCaffeineCache[Any, Any]]
} catch {
case e: CacheException =>
throw new CaffeineCacheExistsException(
s"""A CaffeineCache instance with name '$name' already exists.
|This usually indicates that multiple instances of a dependent component (e.g. a Play application) have been started at the same time.
""".stripMargin, e)
private[play] class NamedAsyncCacheApiProvider(key: BindingKey[NamedCaffeineCache[Any, Any]]) extends Provider[AsyncCacheApi] {
@Inject private var injector: Injector = _
@Inject private var defaultEc: ExecutionContext = _
@Inject private var configuration: Configuration = _
@Inject private var actorSystem: ActorSystem = _
private lazy val ec: ExecutionContext = configuration.get[Option[String]]("play.cache.dispatcher").map(actorSystem.dispatchers.lookup(_)).getOrElse(defaultEc)
lazy val get: AsyncCacheApi =
new CaffeineCacheApi(injector.instanceOf(key))(ec)
private[play] class NamedSyncCacheApiProvider(key: BindingKey[AsyncCacheApi])
extends Provider[SyncCacheApi] {
@Inject private var injector: Injector = _
lazy val get: SyncCacheApi = {
val async = injector.instanceOf(key)
async.sync match {
case sync: SyncCacheApi => sync
case _ => new DefaultSyncCacheApi(async)
private[play] class NamedJavaAsyncCacheApiProvider(key: BindingKey[AsyncCacheApi]) extends Provider[JavaAsyncCacheApi] {
@Inject private var injector: Injector = _
lazy val get: JavaAsyncCacheApi = {
new JavaDefaultAsyncCacheApi(injector.instanceOf(key))
private[play] class NamedJavaSyncCacheApiProvider(key: BindingKey[AsyncCacheApi])
extends Provider[JavaSyncCacheApi] {
@Inject private var injector: Injector = _
lazy val get: JavaSyncCacheApi =
new SyncCacheApiAdapter(injector.instanceOf(key).sync)
private[play] class NamedCachedProvider(key: BindingKey[AsyncCacheApi]) extends Provider[Cached] {
@Inject private var injector: Injector = _
lazy val get: Cached =
new Cached(injector.instanceOf(key))(injector.instanceOf[Materializer])
private[play] case class CaffeineCacheExistsException(msg: String, cause: Throwable) extends RuntimeException(msg, cause)
class SyncCaffeineCacheApi @Inject() (val cache: NamedCaffeineCache[Any, Any]) extends SyncCacheApi {
override def set(key: String, value: Any, expiration: Duration): Unit = {
expiration match {
case infinite: Duration.Infinite => cache.policy().expireVariably().get().put(key, value, Long.MaxValue, TimeUnit.DAYS)
case finite: FiniteDuration =>
val seconds = finite.toSeconds
if (seconds <= 0) {
cache.policy().expireVariably().get().put(key, value, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
} else {
cache.policy().expireVariably().get().put(key, value, seconds.toInt, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
override def remove(key: String): Unit = cache.invalidate(key)
override def getOrElseUpdate[A: ClassTag](key: String, expiration: Duration)(orElse: => A): A = {
get[A](key) match {
case Some(value) => value
case None =>
val value = orElse
set(key, value, expiration)
override def get[T](key: String)(implicit ct: ClassTag[T]): Option[T] = {
Option(cache.getIfPresent(key)).filter { v =>
Primitives.wrap(ct.runtimeClass).isInstance(v) ||
ct == ClassTag.Nothing || (ct == ClassTag.Unit && v == ((): Unit))
* Cache implementation of [[AsyncCacheApi]]. Since Cache is synchronous by default, this uses [[SyncCaffeineCacheApi]].
class CaffeineCacheApi @Inject() (val cache: NamedCaffeineCache[Any, Any])(implicit context: ExecutionContext) extends AsyncCacheApi {
override lazy val sync: SyncCaffeineCacheApi = new SyncCaffeineCacheApi(cache)
def set(key: String, value: Any, expiration: Duration): Future[Done] = Future {
sync.set(key, value, expiration)
def get[T: ClassTag](key: String): Future[Option[T]] = Future {
def remove(key: String): Future[Done] = Future {
def getOrElseUpdate[A: ClassTag](key: String, expiration: Duration)(orElse: => Future[A]): Future[A] = {
get[A](key).flatMap {
case Some(value) => Future.successful(value)
case None => orElse.flatMap(value => set(key, value, expiration).map(_ => value))
def removeAll(): Future[Done] = Future {
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