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Last active October 17, 2016 13:13
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Notes for Pragmatic Programmer chapter 6

Pragmatic Programmer: Chapter 6

What to think about while writing code

Programming By Coincidence

  • Untrue assumptions are like landmines, and tend to blow up in our faces at inopportune times.
  • Before changing code, one should have a good handle understanding of how the current implementation works.
  • Accidents of Implementation: Relying on behavior that is inherently unreliable. EX: undocumented errors, boundary conditions, call order
    • When accidents of implementation happen, we can end up with surprising errors in one end of the application when the other is fixed.
    • These types of errors can be common in rails Models since we update their state throughout a request.
      • There are many instances of ActiveRecord::Base#reload called in our application. When we have to explicitly reload a model in a procedure, it can create downstream dependencies where methods expect a fresh object, but due to a change upstream we now have stale data that could lead to errors.
      • has_many relations also face issues when we do not use the collection constructors.
# Good

# items now has all items for this model
my_model.items.create!(some: :attribute) 

# Bad

# called up here so rails caches the results

new_item = Item.create(model_id:, some: :new_attribute)
my_model.items.include? new_item # false
my_model.items(true).include? new_item # true
  • Accidents of Context & Implicit Assumptions: Relying on assumptions that might not be true.
    • Assumptions about the country where most of our customers live…

How to Programming Deliberately

  • Always be aware of what you are doing (try and only act with explicit intent).
  • Attempting to build an application you don’t understand or to use a technology you are not familiar with is an invitation for trouble.
  • Rely only on reliable things.
  • Document your assumptions
  • Prioritize your effort: spend time on the most important things first
  • Don’t let existing code dictate future code. If we see something has been made obsolete or has not been updated to the new business policy, fix it.

Algorithms & Big O

  • It is important to always strive for efficiency and try to design efficient algorithms
  • Big O is a useful tool for expressing the worst-case runtime a given algorithm.
    • Be aware of the shortcomings of Big O, since we only show the highest order terms in big O, then O(n^2) != O(n^2), since low order terms still effect runtime.
  • Use common sense estimation to decide when it is right to spend time optimizing your algorithm
    • Simple Loops: Okay when you know your input will not be too large for the application. These will typically be O(n).
    • Nested Loops: Probably a sign that there is a better way, but can be useful. These will typically be O(n^2).
    • Binary Chop: Halves the group in consideration through each iteration, performance is likely O(lg(n)).
    • Divide and Conquer: Algorithms that partition work, and then work on the sets separately until it finds a result. These typically perform in O(n lg(n))
    • Combinatoric: Looking at the permutations of things, usually performed in O(n!). Try to steer clear of these.
  • Be certain when testing code to try it with variable input sizes.
  • Use Profilers to figure out if its the right time to optimize your algorithm. No need to spend the effort if the gain is not noticeable.


  • When code is wrong, fix it.
  • When to refactor:
    • Duplication: Promote Dry Design
    • Nonorthogonal-Design (Orthogonal code is lovely coupled and does not have wide spread effects when changed): When coupling is forming
    • Outdated Knowledge: New business requirements
    • Performance: Try and keep site uptime at 99.999%
  • Updating earlier decisions is an exercise in pain management.
  • Do not try to add functionality while refactoring.
  • Have confidence in your tests before making changes.
  • Make small steps, but push them often and test after each one.

Code Thats Easy To Test

  • Test your individual components so you can have confidence in the system
  • Testability should be a consideration in your initial design
  • Unit tests verify behavior and confirm the contract
  • Confirm the contract: pass not only the best case scenario, but also completely unexpected scenarios and ensure your code errors. Confirm the contract is as expected.
  • Where should tests live:
  • Build a test window:
    • Ensure you have a way to confirm behavior in the field.
    • Many services have an /is_alive to check simple things like the git SHA of the running code and a bool representing a database connection.
    • Use logs effectively to document input/output
  • Ensure we promote a culture of testing.
  • If we do not test our code, our users will.

Evil Wizards (Wizard like IssueWizard)

  • When we use static code generators, we must retain the knowledge of what they are providing for us.
  • In rails, our generators are fairly simple and its clear the benefits of using them.
  • Wizards that write code for you can save you the time of churning out boilerplate.
  • Wizards should not allow you to “program by coincidence”, you should still fully understand how your code is running.
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