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Created December 22, 2017 21:13
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When an account's phone number is updated, all related contact's 'Other Phone' must be updated. Do not update the contact's phone if the contact's country differs from the account's country
When an account's phone number is updated, all related contact's 'Other Phone' must be updated
Do not update the contact's phone if the contact's country differs from the account's country
trigger UpdateContactPhone on Account (before update) {
for(Account acc :{
//Make sure the phone number is populated
if(acc.Phone != null){
//Find relevant contacts
List<Contact> contacts = [SELECT Id, MailingCountry
FROM Contact
WHERE AccountId = :acc.Id];
//Loop thru and update each contact
for(Contact con : contacts){
if(con.MailingCountry != null && con.MailingCountry == acc.BillingCountry) {
con.OtherPhone = acc.Phone;
update contacts;
//Test Class
private class UpdateContactPhoneTest {
@isTest static void updatePhoneOnAccount(){
String country = 'US';
Account acc = new Account();
acc.Name = 'Windsor Hotels';
acc.BillingCountry = country;
insert acc;
List<Contact> contacts = new List<Contact>();
for(Integer i = 0; i < 5; i++){
String iString = String.valueOf(i);
Contact myCon = new Contact();
myCon.FirstName = 'Z'+iString;
myCon.LastName = 'Z'+iString;
myCon.AccountId = acc.Id;
myCon.MailingCountry = country;
//Create a contact of a diff country
Contact diffCon = new Contact();
diffCon.FirstName = 'Alisha';
diffCon.LastName = 'Matts';
diffCon.AccountId = acc.Id;
diffCon.MailingCountry = country+'A';
insert contacts;
String phoneNumber = '4350987878';
acc.Phone = phoneNumber;
update acc;
contacts = [SELECT OtherPhone
FROM Contact
WHERE AccountId = :acc.Id
ORDER BY FirstName ASC];
//Assert in loops
// for(Contact con : contacts){
// System.assertEquals(phoneNumber, con.OtherPhone);
System.assertEquals(phoneNumber, contacts.get(1).OtherPhone);
System.assertEquals(null, contacts.get(0).OtherPhone);
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