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Last active April 20, 2023 13:37
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## Function to create prediction matrices from mgcv for glmmTMB
## from ?mgcv::smooth2random
s2rPred <- function(sm,re,data) {
## Function to aid prediction from smooths represented as type==2
## random effects. re must be the result of smooth2random(sm,...,type=2).
X <- PredictMat(sm,data) ## get prediction matrix for new data
## transform to r.e. parameterization
if (!is.null(re$trans.U)) X <- X%*%re$trans.U
X <- t(t(X)*re$trans.D)
## re-order columns according to random effect re-ordering...
X[,re$rind] <- X[,re$pen.ind!=0]
## re-order penalization index in same way
pen.ind <- re$pen.ind; pen.ind[re$rind] <- pen.ind[pen.ind>0]
## start return object...
r <- list(rand=list(),Xf=X[,which(re$pen.ind==0),drop=FALSE])
for (i in 1:length(re$rand)) { ## loop over random effect matrices
r$rand[[i]] <- X[,which(pen.ind==i),drop=FALSE]
attr(r$rand[[i]],"s.label") <- attr(re$rand[[i]],"s.label")
names(r$rand) <- names(re$rand)
} ## s2rPred
## Continuous covariate
x <- seq(1,10, length=100)
x.pred <- seq(1,15, length=150)
## Set up penalized thin-plate regression spline for x
sm <- mgcv::smoothCon(s(x),[[1]]
re <- mgcv::smooth2random(sm, "", type=2)
Xf <- re$Xf
Xr <- re$rand$Xr
## Simulated data set
b <- rnorm(8,0,3)
beta <- c(0, 2)
lambda <- exp(Xf%*%beta + Xr%*%b)
y <- rpois(length(x),lambda)
## Fit with glmmTMB
k <- ncol(Xr)
# make a fake grouping variable
g <- rep(1, length(y))
## Set up TMB 'map' argument to have only 1 variance parameter for Xr
## This is the TPRS smoothing parameter
tmb_map <- list(theta = factor(c(rep(1, k), rep(NA, k*(k-1)/2))))
ftmb <- glmmTMB(y ~ 0+Xf +(0+Xr|g), family=poisson, map=tmb_map)
pred.obj <- s2rPred(sm, re, data.frame(x=x.pred))
newdata <- list(Xf=pred.obj$Xf, Xr=pred.obj$rand$Xr, g=rep(1, nrow(pred.obj$Xf)))
ptmb <-,newdata=newdata, se=T))
## Fit with mgcv::gam, method='REML'
fmgcv <- mgcv::gam(y~s(x), family=poisson, method="REML")
pmgcv <-, newdata=data.frame(x=x.pred), se=TRUE, uncond=TRUE))
## Compare fits
plot(x, y, xlim=c(0,15))
lines(x.pred, exp(ptmb[,1]), col='blue', lwd=2)
lines(x.pred, exp(ptmb[,1]+1.96*ptmb[,2]), col='blue', lty=3, lwd=2)
lines(x.pred, exp(ptmb[,1]-1.96*ptmb[,2]), col='blue', lty=3, lwd=2)
text(1, 33, labels=c("glmmTMB"), col='blue', pos=4, cex=2)
lines(x.pred, exp(pmgcv[,1]), col='red', lwd=2)
lines(x.pred, exp(pmgcv[,1]+1.96*pmgcv[,2]), col='red', lty=3, lwd=2)
lines(x.pred, exp(pmgcv[,1]-1.96*pmgcv[,2]), col='red', lty=3, lwd=2)
text(1, 30, labels=c("mgcv::gam"), col='red', pos=4, cex=2)
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Hi Devin, Thank you for this gist, very useful ! I like TMB very much, but I don't use it enough. You're using the pipe operator at line 37, I'd add library(magrittr) or library(tidyverse) at the beginning of the script to make it work. Also, at line 26, eta doesn't exist, I guess using x in y <- rpois(length(x),lambda) does the job. With these modifications, the code runs like a charm 😄 Cheers. Olivier

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dsjohnson commented Nov 25, 2020 via email

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😜 🧹

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