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Created July 31, 2017 07:35
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uniform int XhairMode <
ui_type = "combo";
ui_items = "Texture file\0Solid Color\0Inversion\0";
ui_label = "Xhair mode";
> = 2;
uniform float Opacity <
ui_type = "drag";
ui_min = 0.0; ui_max = 1.0;
ui_label = "Opacity";
> = 1.0;
uniform int ModPosX <
ui_type = "drag";
ui_min = -10; ui_max = 10;
ui_label = "X Axis Shift";
> = 0;
uniform int ModPosY <
ui_type = "drag";
ui_min = -10; ui_max = 10;
ui_label = "Y Axis Shift";
> = 0;
uniform float3 SolidColor <
ui_type = "color";
ui_label = "[Solid color mode] Color";
> = float3(0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
uniform bool UseStroke <
ui_type = "checkbox";
ui_label = "Stroke";
> = true;
uniform float3 StrokeColor <
ui_type = "color";
ui_label = "Stroke Color";
> = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
uniform float StrokeOpacity <
ui_type = "drag";
ui_min = 0.0; ui_max = 1.0;
ui_label = "Stroke Opacity";
> = 0.3;
uniform float Hue <
ui_type = "drag";
ui_min = -180.0; ui_max = 180.0;
ui_label = "[Texture mode] Hue";
> = 0.0;
uniform float Brightness <
ui_type = "drag";
ui_min = -1.0; ui_max = 1.0;
ui_label = "[Texture mode] Brightness";
> = 0.0;
uniform float Contrast <
ui_type = "drag";
ui_min = 0.0; ui_max = 1.0;
ui_label = "[Texture mode] Contrast";
> = 0.0;
uniform float Saturation <
ui_type = "drag";
ui_min = 0.0; ui_max = 2.0;
ui_label = "[Texture mode] Saturation";
> = 1.0;
#include "Reshade.fxh"
texture xhairTex < source = "xhair.png"; > {Width = 1920; Height = 1080; Format = RGBA8;};
sampler xhairSampler { Texture = xhairTex; };
texture xhairMaskTex < source = "xhair_mask.png"; > {Width = 1920; Height = 1080; Format = RGBA8;};
sampler xhairMaskSampler { Texture = xhairMaskTex; };
float3x3 QuaternionToMatrix(float4 quat)
float3 cross = quat.yzx * quat.zxy;
float3 square= *;
float3 wimag = quat.w *;
square = + square.yzx;
float3 diag = 0.5 - square;
float3 a = (cross + wimag);
float3 b = (cross - wimag);
return float3x3(
2.0 * float3(diag.x, b.z, a.y),
2.0 * float3(a.z, diag.y, b.x),
2.0 * float3(b.y, a.x, diag.z));
float4 ColorShift(float4 outputColor, float H, float B, float C, float S)
float3 hsv;
float3 intensity;
float3 root3 = float3(0.57735, 0.57735, 0.57735);
float half_angle = 0.5 * radians(H);
float4 rot_quat = float4((root3 * sin(half_angle)), cos(half_angle));
float3x3 rot_Matrix = QuaternionToMatrix(rot_quat);
outputColor.rgb = mul(rot_Matrix, outputColor.rgb);
outputColor.rgb = (outputColor.rgb - 0.5) *(C + 1.0) + 0.5;
outputColor.rgb = outputColor.rgb + B;
float3 lumCoeff = float3(0.2125, 0.7154, 0.0721);
intensity = float(dot(outputColor.rgb, lumCoeff));
outputColor.rgb = lerp(intensity, outputColor.rgb, S);
return outputColor;
float4 PS_Xhair(float4 vpos : SV_Position, float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD) : SV_Target
float2 texcoordMod = float2(texcoord.x - ModPosX / ReShade::ScreenSize.x, texcoord.y - ModPosY / ReShade::ScreenSize.y);
float4 xhair_tex = tex2D(xhairSampler, texcoordMod);
float4 xhair_mask = tex2D(xhairMaskSampler, texcoordMod).a;
float4 back = tex2D(ReShade::BackBuffer, texcoord);
float4 center = tex2D(ReShade::BackBuffer, float2(0.5f + ModPosX / ReShade::ScreenSize.x, 0.5f + ModPosY / ReShade::ScreenSize.y));
float4 drawBackground;
float4 drawXhair;
float4 drawOpacity;
float4 outXhair;
if (XhairMode == 0) // Texture file mode
xhair_tex = ColorShift(xhair_tex, Hue, Brightness, Contrast, Saturation);
drawBackground = back;
drawXhair = xhair_tex;
drawOpacity = xhair_tex.a*Opacity;
if (XhairMode == 1) // Solid color mode
drawBackground = back;
drawXhair = float4(SolidColor, 1.0);
drawOpacity = xhair_mask*Opacity;
if (XhairMode == 2) // Inversion mode
float4 inv_center = 1-center;
inv_center = ColorShift(inv_center, 0, 0, 0, 180);
drawBackground = back;
drawXhair = inv_center;
drawOpacity = xhair_mask*Opacity;
if (UseStroke && XhairMode != 0)
float4 strokeN = tex2D(xhairMaskSampler, float2(texcoordMod.x, texcoordMod.y-1/ReShade::ScreenSize.y));
float4 strokeS = tex2D(xhairMaskSampler, float2(texcoordMod.x, texcoordMod.y+1/ReShade::ScreenSize.y));
float4 strokeW = tex2D(xhairMaskSampler, float2(texcoordMod.x-1/ReShade::ScreenSize.x, texcoordMod.y));
float4 strokeE = tex2D(xhairMaskSampler, float2(texcoordMod.x+1/ReShade::ScreenSize.x, texcoordMod.y));
float4 strokeNW = tex2D(xhairMaskSampler, float2(texcoordMod.x-1/ReShade::ScreenSize.x, texcoordMod.y-1/ReShade::ScreenSize.y));
float4 strokeNE = tex2D(xhairMaskSampler, float2(texcoordMod.x+1/ReShade::ScreenSize.x, texcoordMod.y-1/ReShade::ScreenSize.y));
float4 strokeSW = tex2D(xhairMaskSampler, float2(texcoordMod.x-1/ReShade::ScreenSize.x, texcoordMod.y+1/ReShade::ScreenSize.y));
float4 strokeSE = tex2D(xhairMaskSampler, float2(texcoordMod.x+1/ReShade::ScreenSize.x, texcoordMod.y+1/ReShade::ScreenSize.y));
float stroke = saturate(strokeN.a + strokeS.a + strokeW.a + strokeE.a + strokeNW.a + strokeNE.a + strokeSW.a + strokeSE.a);
float4 drawStroke = lerp(back,float4(StrokeColor,1.0),stroke*StrokeOpacity);
drawBackground = drawStroke;
outXhair = lerp(drawBackground,drawXhair,drawOpacity);
return outXhair;
technique xhair
pass HudPass
VertexShader = PostProcessVS;
PixelShader = PS_Xhair;
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dslf commented Jul 31, 2017

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