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Created February 14, 2024 13:01
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# OpenVPN 3 Linux client -- Next generation OpenVPN client
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
# Copyright (C) OpenVPN Inc <>
# Copyright (C) David Sommerseth <>
# @file openvpn3-desktop-session-watcher
# @brief This tool will do a desktop notification when there are
# some important status changes to on-going and newly created
# session
import datetime
import dbus
import openvpn3
import os
import sys
import time
from dbus.mainloop.glib import DBusGMainLoop
from openvpn3.constants import SessionManagerEventType, StatusMajor, StatusMinor
from gi.repository import GLib
# Global main loop object
mainloop = GLib.MainLoop()
# If the 'OPENVPN3_DEBUG' environment variable is found, debug logging will
# be enabled and sent to the console
OPENVPN3_DEBUG=os.getenv('OPENVPN3_DEBUG') is not None
def DEBUG(msg):
class Notify(object):
Simple class interacting with the desktop notification API provided
via the session D-Bus. This API is documented here:
def __init__(self):
self.__bus = dbus.SessionBus()
object_connected = False
while object_connected == False:
self.__object = self.__bus.get_object('org.freedesktop.Notifications', '/org/freedesktop/Notifications')
object_connected = True
except dbus.exceptions.DBusException:
print('Waiting for org.freedesktop.Notifications to become available')
self.__notify_method = self.__object.get_dbus_method('Notify','org.freedesktop.Notifications')
self.__close_notify_method = self.__object.get_dbus_method('CloseNotification','org.freedesktop.Notifications')
self.__auth_notif = {}
self.__reconn_notif = {}
def __notify(self, title, msg):
nid = self.__notify_method('OpenVPN 3 Linux', 0, 'network', title, msg, {}, {}, 0)
DEBUG('Notification ({}): title="{}", msg="{}"'.format(nid, title, msg))
def __close_notify(self, nid):
if nid is None:
DEBUG('Closed notification ID {}'.format(nid))
def WebAuthenticate(self, path, url):
An on-going VPN session is requesting authentication via a web portal, notify the user
with the appropriate URL to do the authentication
if path in self.__auth_notif:
self.CloseNotification('auth', path)
self.__auth_notif[path] = self.__notify('OpenVPN - Authentication Required',
'Visit {}'.format(url))
def Connected(self, path, name):
if path in self.__auth_notif:
self.CloseNotification('auth', path)
self.__auth_notif[path] = self.__notify('OpenVPN - Authentication Successful',
'OpenVPN session "{}" connected successfully'.format(name))
def Reconnecting(self, path, name):
"A reconnection has started, inform the user"
if path in self.__reconn_notif:
self.CloseNotification('reconnect', path)
self.__reconn_notif[path] = self.__notify('OpenVPN session reconnecting',
'Session "{}" is reconnecting'.format(name))
def Reconnected(self, path, name):
"The reconnection was successful, inform the user"
if path in self.__reconn_notif:
self.CloseNotification('reconnect', path)
self.__reconn_notif[path] = self.__notify('OpenVPN session reconnected',
'Session "{}" reconnected successfully'.format(name))
def Disconnected(self, path, name):
"The VPN session was disconnected, notify the user"
if path in self.__auth_notif:
self.CloseNotification('auth', path)
if path in self.__reconn_notif:
self.CloseNotification('reconnect', path)
self.__reconn_notif[path] = self.__notify('OpenVPN session disconnected',
'Session "{}" was disconnected'.format(name))
def CloseNotification(self, group, path):
"Close any open notifications for the given session path"
if 'auth' == group:
if path in self.__auth_notif:
elif 'reconnect' == group:
if path in self.__reconn_notif:
class SessionWatcher(object):
This sets up a StatusChange event listener for a specific VPN session.
On certain events, a desktop notification will be triggered
def __init__(self, notify, session):
Prepares a new SessionWatcher. The notify argument must be pointing
at an existing Notify object. The session argument must be an
openvpn3.Session object.
self.__notify = notify
self.__session = session
self.__reconnecting = False
# Wait for the session to settle a bit before
# trying to interact with it
self.__path = self.__session.GetPath()
self.__cfgname = self.__session.GetProperty('config_name')
# Set up StatusChange event handler for this session
DEBUG('Starting SessionWatcher("{}")'.format(self.__path))
def __status_chg_handler(self, major, minor, msg):
The internal StatusChange event handler which is called each time
the status changes for the VPN session
# Convert the input arguments to openvpn3 constant values
maj = openvpn3.StatusMajor(major)
min = openvpn3.StatusMinor(minor)
self.__evaluate_status(maj, min, msg)
def __evaluate_status(self, major, minor, msg):
Internal method to validate the session status
and act upon certain statuses
DEBUG('{tstamp} StatusChange({maj}, {min}) {msg}'.format(,
maj=major, min=minor, msg=msg))
# Handle certain events
if StatusMajor.SESSION == major:
if StatusMinor.SESS_AUTH_URL == minor:
self.__notify.WebAuthenticate(self.__path, msg)
elif StatusMajor.CONNECTION == major:
DEBUG('flags: reconnecting={}'.format(self.__reconnecting))
if StatusMinor.CONN_CONNECTED == minor:
if self.__reconnecting is False:
self.__notify.Connected(self.__path, self.__cfgname)
self.__notify.Reconnected(self.__path, self.__cfgname)
self.__reconnecting = False
elif StatusMinor.CONN_RECONNECTING == minor:
self.__notify.Reconnecting(self.__path, self.__cfgname)
self.__reconnecting = True
elif StatusMinor.CONN_DISCONNECTED == minor:
self.__notify.Disconnected(self.__path, self.__cfgname)
def CheckStatus(self):
"Check and evaluate the status of the session"
status = self.__session.GetStatus()
self.__evaluate_status(status['major'], status['minor'], status['message'])
def Stop(self):
"Stops the current SessionWatcher. This object is inactive after this call."
DEBUG('Stopping SessionWatcher("{}")'.format(self.__path))
self.__notify.CloseNotification('auth', self.__path)
class SessionManagerWatcher(object):
The SessionManagerWatcher object will listen to any StatusManagerEvents happening.
These events contains information about VPN sessions starting up or shutting down,
which is used to pick up the VPN session paths to further add additional checks."
def __init__(self, sessmgr):
Prepares the SessionManagerWathcer object. The sessmgr argument must point
"at an instantiated openvpn3.SessionManager() object.
# Sets up the notification interface
self.__notify = Notify()
# Sets up the event listener for manager event
self.__sessmgr = sessmgr
# Initializes the list of sessions being monitored
self.__sessions = {}
def __mgr_event_handler(self, event):
"Event handler method for StatusManagerEvents"
# If debug logging is enabled, provide information on events
DEBUG('{tstamp} {event}'.format(,
# Only care about VPN sessions the currently running user or root owns.
# The reaons for root owned VPNs is that systemd managed sessions are
# started by root.
if event.GetOwner() in [os.getuid(), 0]:
if SessionManagerEventType.SESS_CREATED == event.GetType():
# If it's a new VPN session, register to be able to track it
elif SessionManagerEventType.SESS_DESTROYED == event.GetType():
# If the VPN session is being removed, check if we're
# monitoring it before shutting it down from our end as well
if event.GetPath() in self.__sessions:
def Register(self, path):
"Registers a new VPN session for monitoring"
# Retrieve the openvpn3.Session object from the D-Bus path
# and track a dedicated SessionWatcher object for this session
session = self.__sessmgr.Retrieve(path)
self.__sessions[path] = SessionWatcher(self.__notify, session)
def CheckStatus(self, session_path):
"Check and evaluate the session status for a specific session"
if session_path in self.__sessions:
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Get a connection to the D-Bus' system bus
dbusloop = DBusGMainLoop(set_as_default=True)
bus = dbus.SystemBus(mainloop=dbusloop)
# Connect to the session manager, setup a session manager wathcer
# which will listen to global events from this manager
sessmgr = openvpn3.SessionManager(bus)
mgrwatcher = SessionManagerWatcher(sessmgr)
# Register existing running sessions
for session in sessmgr.FetchAvailableSessions():
# Start the main process
except KeyboardInterrupt: # Wait for CTRL-C / SIGINT
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