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Created April 2, 2019 09:18
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Googol Game as described by Vsauce2 at
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace GoogolGame
class Program
const decimal e = 2.71828M;
static void Main(string[] args)
int boxes = 1000;
int iterations = 500;
List<bool> results = new List<bool>();
int totalIterations = 0;
List<decimal> selections;
Random rnd;
int tries;
while (true)
//Create a new Random object
rnd = new Random();
// Number of tries to sample from - number of boxes / euler's number
tries = decimal.ToInt32(boxes / e);
// Iterate many times
for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
// Pick out random selections for each box
selections = new List<decimal>();
for (int x = 0; x < boxes; x ++)
// Add random selection to a list
// Find the highest number in x tries from above
decimal highest = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < tries; x++)
// If the current number is higher than our highest, it's our new highest
if (selections[x] > highest)
highest = selections[x];
// Look for a higher card after picking our sample group
int stoppingPoint = tries;
for (int x = tries; x < selections.Count; x++)
// If we find one, stop looking
if (selections[x] > highest)
highest = selections[x];
stoppingPoint = x;
//Implied Victory
bool lost = false;
// Did we find a higher card? If not, we lost
if (stoppingPoint == tries)
lost = true;
// Check from our stopping point on and see if anything is higher
for (int x = stoppingPoint; x < selections.Count; x++)
// We lost, found something higher
if (highest < selections[x])
lost = true;
// Store as a win
// Increase iteration multiplier
// Add up wins
int wins = 0;
foreach(bool result in results)
if (result) wins++;
// Print Results
// Console.Clear();
Console.WriteLine("Win ratio is " + (100 * (((decimal)1 / (iterations * totalIterations)) * wins)) + "%");
// Console.Write("Press any key to try again...");
// Console.ReadKey();
// Remove this line if running on your computer at home
// From
static class Xtend
/// <summary>
/// Returns an Int32 with a random value across the entire range of
/// possible values.
/// </summary>
public static int NextInt32(this Random rng)
int firstBits = rng.Next(0, 1 << 4) << 28;
int lastBits = rng.Next(0, 1 << 28);
return firstBits | lastBits;
public static decimal NextDecimal(this Random rng)
byte scale = (byte)rng.Next(29);
bool sign = rng.Next(2) == 1;
return new decimal(rng.NextInt32(),
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