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Created January 26, 2010 06:28
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(ns net.experimentalworks.clojure.outdegree
(edu.kit.ipd.sonar.server.centralities Centrality Centrality$Type CentralityImpl)
(java.util HashMap))
:extends edu.kit.ipd.sonar.server.centralities.CentralityImpl))
(defn -getType [this] Centrality$Type/NodeCentrality)
(defn -getName [this] "Outdegree (Clojure)")
(defn -getVersion [this] 1)
(defn -getRequiredAPIVersion [this] 0)
(defn -getWeight[this graph]
(let [nodes (.values (.getNodeList graph)) result (new HashMap)]
(doseq [node nodes]
(.put result node
(count (filter #(.isOutgoingEdge % node) (.getEdgeList graph))))))
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