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Created January 28, 2010 01:05
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package net.experimentalworks.scala
import edu.kit.ipd.sonar.server._
import edu.kit.ipd.sonar.server.centralities.CentralityImpl
import edu.kit.ipd.sonar.server.centralities.Centrality
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
import scala.collection.mutable.Map
import java.util.{HashMap => JavaHashMap}
* Indegree calculations done in Scala.
* @author David Soria Parra <>
class IndegreeCentrality extends CentralityImpl {
def getWeight(g : edu.kit.ipd.sonar.server.Graph) : JavaHashMap[Annotable, java.lang.Double]= {
if (g == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Graph is null")
val res = new JavaHashMap[Annotable, java.lang.Double]()
(n : Node) => res.put(n, g.getEdgeList().filter(
(e : Edge) => e.isIncomingEdge(n)).size))
override def getType = Centrality.Type.NodeCentrality
override def getRequiredAPIVersion = 0
override def getVersion = 1
override def getName = "Indegree (Scala)"
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