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Created February 8, 2012 17:19
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Example of Redis zset + key iteration + pipelining in Python
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ----------------------------------------------------
import redis, random
POOL = redis.ConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0)
NUSERS = 10000
NTAGS = 500
# ----------------------------------------------------
# Fill redis with some random data
def fill(r):
p = r.pipeline()
# Create only 10000 users for this example
for id in range(0,NUSERS):
user = "user:%d" % id
# Add the user in the index: a simple modulo is used to hash the user id
# and put it in the correct bucket
p.sadd( "index:%d" % (id%NBUCKETS), user )
# Add random tags to the user
for x in range(0,20):
tag = "tag:%d" % (random.randint(0,NTAGS))
p.zincrby( user, tag, 1 )
# Flush the pipeline every 1000 users
if id % 1000 == 0:
print id
# Flush one last time
# ----------------------------------------------------
# Iterate on all the users and displays their 5 highest ranked tags
def iterate(r):
# Iterate on the buckets of the key index
# The range depends on the function used to hash the user id
for x in range(0,NBUCKETS):
# Iterate on the users in this bucket
for user in r.smembers( "index:%d"%(x) ):
print user,r.zrevrangebyscore(user,"+inf","-inf", 0, 5, True )
# ----------------------------------------------------
# Main function
def main():
r = redis.Redis(connection_pool=POOL)
m =["used_memory"]
info =
print "Keys: ",info["db0"]["keys"]
print "Memory: ",info["used_memory"]-m
# ----------------------------------------------------
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