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Created June 1, 2017 11:44
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function cdroot()
cd .
alias prev='cd ../"$(ls -F .. | grep '/' | grep -B1 -xF "${PWD##*/}/" | head -n 1)"'
alias next='cd ../"$(ls -F .. | grep '/' | grep -A1 -xF "${PWD##*/}/" | tail -n 1)"'
function ne
ID=$(ls ../ | grep -e "^s[0-9]*$" | grep -n `basename $PWD` | cut -d: -f1)
TOTAL=$(ls ../ | grep -e "^s[0-9]*$" | wc -l)
echo $ID "/" $TOTAL
grep "Name: " s*.txt
function n
function op
xreader *.pdf
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