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Created October 19, 2021 09:46
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from astropy.wcs import WCS
from reproject import reproject_interp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import astropy.units as u
# Load WISPR map
m ='~/Downloads/psp_L1_wispr_20200125T000229_V1_2302.fits')
# Create a new WCS in a helioprojective (HPLN/HPLT) coordinate system with a
# plate-carée projection (CAR)
new_wcs = {'ctype1': 'HPLN-CAR',
'ctype2': 'HPLT-CAR',
'cunit1': 'deg',
'cunit2': 'deg',
# Reference pixel coordinate values
'crval1': 0,
'crval2': 0,
# Reference pixel
'crpix1': 0,
'crpix2': 180,
# Pixel size in (deg/pixel)
'cdelt1': 0.5,
'cdelt2': 0.5}
# Copy observer information from WISPR map to new WCS
for obs_key in ['DSUN_OBS', 'RSUN_REF', 'HGLT_OBS', 'HGLN_OBS', 'DATE-OBS']:
new_wcs[obs_key] = m.meta[obs_key]
# Reproject into the new WCS
new_wcs = WCS(new_wcs)
array, footprint = reproject_interp((, m.wcs), new_wcs, shape_out=(360, 360))
new_map =, new_wcs)
# Plot new map
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection=new_map)
lon = ax.coords[0].set_format_unit(u.deg)
lat = ax.coords[1].set_format_unit(u.deg)
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