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Created March 29, 2013 18:40
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Save dstcruz/5272727 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
First draft of an assembler for the Hack machine ("From NAND to Tetris" fame). This does not have any good error handling, and, as you can see, there are no comments.
Known to work with:
The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 7.4.2
Extra library dependency:
To compile:
ghc -o HackAssembler Hack.hs
To run:
HackAssembler foo.asm
Will output:
module Main where
--module Text.Assembler.Hack where
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.List (isPrefixOf, unfoldr, (\\), nub, groupBy)
import Safe (readMay)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>), (<*), (*>))
import System.Environment (getArgs)
type Label = String
data AST
= AstI Instruction
| AstL Label
deriving Show
data Instruction
= AInstI Int
| AInstL Label
| CInst { dest :: Destination, comp :: Compute, jmp :: Jump }
deriving Show
data Destination
= D_Null
| D_M
| D_D
| D_MD
| D_A
| D_AM
| D_AD
deriving (Show, Read)
data Compute
= C_Zero
| C_One
| C_NegOne
| C_D
| C_A
| C_M
| C_NotD
| C_NotA
| C_NotM
| C_NegD
| C_NegA
| C_NegM
| C_DPlusOne
| C_APlusOne
| C_MPlusOne
| C_DMinOne
| C_AMinOne
| C_MMinOne
| C_DPlusA
| C_DPlusM
| C_DMinA
| C_DMinM
| C_AMinD
| C_MMinD
| C_DAndA
| C_DAndM
| C_DOrA
| C_DOrM
deriving Show
data Jump
deriving (Show, Read)
run p input = case (parse p "" input) of
Left err -> putStr "parse error at" >> print err
Right x -> print x
filterOut :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
filterOut f xs = filter (not . f) xs
purgeInput :: [String] -> [String]
purgeInput = filterOut badLine . map dehydrate
where dehydrate = filterOut isSpace
badLine l = isPrefixOf "//" l || length l == 0
parseFileContents :: String -> [AST]
parseFileContents = map parseLine . purgeInput . lines
parseLine :: String -> AST
parseLine s = case (parse parseAst "" s) of
Left err -> error $ show err
Right x -> x
parseLabel :: Parser Label
parseLabel =
do f <- letter <|> oneOf "_.$:"
rest <- option "" $ many1 $ letter <|> digit <|> oneOf "_.$:"
return (f:rest)
parseAst :: Parser AST
parseAst =
do p <- pL <|> pI
optional (string "//" >> optional (many1 anyChar))
return p
where pL = fmap AstL $ between (char '(') (char ')') parseLabel
pI = fmap AstI parseInst
parseInst :: Parser Instruction
parseInst = parseAInst <|> parseCInst
parseAInst :: Parser Instruction
parseAInst =
do char '@'
p <- parseAInstI <|> parseAInstL
return p
parseAInstI :: Parser Instruction
parseAInstI =
do d <- many1 digit
(return . AInstI . read) d
parseAInstL :: Parser Instruction
parseAInstL =
do p <- parseLabel
(return . AInstL) p
parseCInst :: Parser Instruction
parseCInst =
do d <- parseDest
c <- parseCmd
j <- parseJmp
return $ CInst d c j
parseDest :: Parser Destination
parseDest = option D_Null (try parse)
where parse = do s <- many1 $ oneOf "MDA"
d <- case (readMay ("D_" ++ s) :: Maybe Destination) of
Just x -> return x
Nothing -> error "should not reach this is parseDest"
char '='
return d
cmdLookup :: [(String, Compute)]
cmdLookup = [("0", C_Zero)
,("1", C_One)
,("-1", C_NegOne)
,("D", C_D)
,("A", C_A)
,("M", C_M)
,("!D", C_NotD)
,("!A", C_NotA)
,("!M", C_NotM)
,("-D", C_NegD)
,("-A", C_NegA)
,("-M", C_NegM)
,("D+1", C_DPlusOne)
,("A+1", C_APlusOne)
,("M+1", C_MPlusOne)
,("D-1", C_DMinOne)
,("A-1", C_AMinOne)
,("M-1", C_MMinOne)
,("D+A", C_DPlusA)
,("D+M", C_DPlusM)
,("D-A", C_DMinA)
,("D-M", C_DMinM)
,("A-D", C_AMinD)
,("M-D", C_MMinD)
,("D&A", C_DAndA)
,("D&M", C_DAndM)
,("D|A", C_DOrA)
,("D|M", C_DOrM)
parseCmd :: Parser Compute
parseCmd =
do s <- many1 $ oneOf "01MDA+-!&|"
case lookup s cmdLookup of
Just x -> return x
Nothing -> error "should not reach this in parseCmd"
parseJmp :: Parser Jump
parseJmp =
parse <|> (return J_NULL)
where parse = do char ';'
s <- many1 $ oneOf "JMPEQLTGN"
case (readMay s :: Maybe Jump) of
Just x -> return x
Nothing -> error "should not reach this is parseJmp"
toHackAsm :: [(Label,Int)] -> Instruction -> String
toHackAsm _ (AInstI n) = pad 16 '0' $ i2b n
toHackAsm jt (AInstL l) = pad 16 '0' $ i2b n
where n = case lookup l jt of
Just x -> x
Nothing -> error "bad lookup"
toHackAsm _ (CInst d c j) = pad 16 '1' $ cs ++ ds ++ js
where ds = toHackAsmD d
cs = toHackAsmC c
js = toHackAsmJ j
toHackAsmD :: Destination -> String
toHackAsmD D_Null = "000"
toHackAsmD D_M = "001"
toHackAsmD D_D = "010"
toHackAsmD D_MD = "011"
toHackAsmD D_A = "100"
toHackAsmD D_AM = "101"
toHackAsmD D_AD = "110"
toHackAsmD D_AMD = "111"
toHackAsmC :: Compute -> String
toHackAsmC C_Zero = "0101010"
toHackAsmC C_One = "0111111"
toHackAsmC C_NegOne = "0111010"
toHackAsmC C_D = "0001100"
toHackAsmC C_A = "0110000"
toHackAsmC C_M = "1110000"
toHackAsmC C_NotD = "0001101"
toHackAsmC C_NotA = "0110001"
toHackAsmC C_NotM = "1110001"
toHackAsmC C_NegD = "0001111"
toHackAsmC C_NegA = "0110011"
toHackAsmC C_NegM = "1110011"
toHackAsmC C_DPlusOne = "0011111"
toHackAsmC C_APlusOne = "0110111"
toHackAsmC C_MPlusOne = "1110111"
toHackAsmC C_DMinOne = "0001110"
toHackAsmC C_AMinOne = "0110010"
toHackAsmC C_MMinOne = "1110010"
toHackAsmC C_DPlusA = "0000010"
toHackAsmC C_DPlusM = "1000010"
toHackAsmC C_DMinA = "0010011"
toHackAsmC C_DMinM = "1010011"
toHackAsmC C_AMinD = "0000111"
toHackAsmC C_MMinD = "1000111"
toHackAsmC C_DAndA = "0000000"
toHackAsmC C_DAndM = "1000000"
toHackAsmC C_DOrA = "0010101"
toHackAsmC C_DOrM = "1010101"
toHackAsmJ :: Jump -> String
toHackAsmJ J_NULL = "000"
toHackAsmJ JGT = "001"
toHackAsmJ JEQ = "010"
toHackAsmJ JGE = "011"
toHackAsmJ JLT = "100"
toHackAsmJ JNE = "101"
toHackAsmJ JLE = "110"
toHackAsmJ JMP = "111"
i2b :: Int -> String
i2b n = reverse $ unfoldr f n
where f x
| x > 0 = Just (qr x)
| otherwise = Nothing
qr :: Int -> (Char, Int)
qr n = (binary r, q)
where (q,r) = quotRem n 2
binary 0 = '0'
binary 1 = '1'
binary _ = error "Not a binary digit"
pad :: Int -> a -> [a] -> [a]
pad n a xs = (take y (repeat a)) ++ xs
where y = n - (length xs)
reservedLabels :: [(Label, Int)]
reservedLabels = [ ("SP", 0)
, ("LCL", 1)
, ("ARG", 2)
, ("THIS", 3)
, ("THAT", 4)
, ("SCREEN", 16384)
, ("KBD", 24576)
] ++ [("R" ++ show x, x) | x <- [0..15]]
makeLabelTbl :: [AST] -> [(Label, Int)]
makeLabelTbl = fold 0 []
fold nexti tbl [] = tbl
fold nexti tbl ((AstI _):xs) = fold (nexti + 1) tbl xs
fold nexti tbl ((AstL l):xs) = fold nexti ((l,nexti):tbl) xs
filterInst :: [AST] -> [Instruction]
filterInst = map m . filter f
f (AstI _) = True
f (AstL _) = False
m (AstI i) = i
filterAInstL :: [Instruction] -> [Instruction]
filterAInstL = filter f
f (AInstL _) = True
f _ = False
assemble :: String -> String
assemble prg = unlines $ map (toHackAsm (jt++st)) instructions
p = parseFileContents prg
instructions = filterInst p
labeledInst = filterAInstL instructions
symbols = (nub (map (\(AInstL l) -> l) labeledInst)) \\ (map fst jt)
st = zip symbols [16..]
jt = (makeLabelTbl p) ++ reservedLabels
main = do
file <- head <$> getArgs
source <- readFile file
writeFile (file ++ ".hack") (assemble source)
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