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Last active July 4, 2017 14:55
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Python Web Development Environment

This short list outlines necessary packages for Python/Django development on a factory Mac. It is assumed that you would also follow most of theese instructions for a Vagrant setup as well. In that case you can commit installing homebrew, libjpeg, etc.

Once again this is my personal preference for development, so IDEs, VCS, etc will vary.

OS Level Packages and Software

  • XCode - Make sure to open XCode -> Preferences -> Downloads -> Install Command Line Tools (xcode-select --install)
  • Homebrew
  • Install wget via homebrew
  • Install git via homebrew
  • Install latest version (2.x) of Python
  • Install pip via easy_install sudo easy_install pip
  • Install virtualenv globally sudo pip install virtualenv
  • Install libjpeg via Homebrew brew install libjpeg
  • Install Dotfiles sudo pip install dotfiles
  • Install YOUR Dotfiles...
  • .Net Core
  • Bower
  • Ocean Terminal
  • NPM and Node


  • Install PyCharm
  • Install Atom
  • Install other browsers (FF, Opera, Chrome)
  • Install Git (update)
  • Install Virtualbox
  • Install Vagrant
  • Install Modern IE VMs
  • MacDown (mardown editor)
  • Tweetdeck
  • Spotify
  • Cyberduck
  • Steam
  • Office products or Open Office
  • Reasonable python dist
  • Sling TV
  • Picasa
  • Visual Studio Code
  • Visual Studio
  • Rider
  • Handbrake
  • Dropbox
  • Dash
  • CloudApp
  • Amazon cloud app

Setup Checkoutmanager/Repos

  • Clone dotfiles and run checkoutmanager co -v

Common Django Libraries/Python Packages


I try to keep a list of interesting and common packages I use when developing python/django projects.

  • Cookiecutter
  • django-celery
  • celery
  • django-extenstions
  • south
  • django-dev-email
  • django-mail-queue
  • hadrian

From a previous gist.

Core Apps/Libraries

  • django==1.5.1
  • south==0.7.6
  • hadrian==1.1.5
  • django-bootstrap-static==2.2.0
  • python-memcached==1.48


  • django-debug-toolbar==0.9.4
  • django-extensions
  • Werkzeug

Development Tools

  • django-dev-email==1.0.1


  • django-mail-queue==1.6

Async Task Queuing

  • celery==3.0.17
  • django-celery==3.0.17
  • django-kombu==0.9.4


  • django-haystack==1.2.7
  • whoosh==2.4.1


  • factory_boy==1.1.3
  • selenium==2.29.0
  • nose
  • mock
  • django-nose
  • coverage
  • pylint
  • pep8

Other helpful but not always needed apps

  • fabric
  • sphinx


  • django-chosen==0.1
  • django-crispy-forms==1.2.0

Image manipulation

  • pillow
  • PIL
  • sorl-thumbnail==11.12
  • easy-thumbnails


  • git+git://
  • django-tastypie==0.9.12


  • requests==1.1.0
  • markdown
  • django_compressor
  • bleach

Class Extensions/Helpers

  • django-infuse
  • django-braces


  • django-ping==0.2
  • newrelic==

Settings Control

  • django-constance==0.5
  • django-waffle


  • django-disqus==0.4.1
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