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Last active December 24, 2020 03:13
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An example script for hiding nvim-scrollview scrollbars shortly after scrolling
" The amount of time, in milliseconds, until scrollbar hides after scrolling.
let s:hide_delay = 800
" Time of the last WinScrolled event
let s:scroll_time = 0
" Keep track of pending updates. Ignore updates if there are already pending
" updates, to prevent lag.
let s:pending = 0
function! s:RelativeTime() abort
" Add 0.5 so conversion rounds.
return float2nr((reltimefloat(reltime()) * 1000) + 0.5)
function! s:UpdateScrollView() abort
if !exists(':ScrollViewDisable') || !exists(':ScrollViewEnable')
let s:pending -= 1
if s:pending ># 0 | return | endif
" Amount of time since last scroll event
let l:elapsed = s:RelativeTime() - s:scroll_time
if l:elapsed ># s:hide_delay
let s:pending += 1
call timer_start(s:hide_delay - l:elapsed,
\ {-> execute('call s:UpdateScrollView()')})
augroup scrollview_hide
autocmd WinScrolled * :let s:scroll_time = s:RelativeTime()
autocmd WinScrolled * :let s:pending += 1
autocmd WinScrolled * :call s:UpdateScrollView()
augroup END
" Only show scrollbar in current window.
let g:scrollview_current_only = 1
" Disable scrollview on startup.
let g:scrollview_on_startup = 0
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