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Created June 24, 2011 13:08
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Windows PowerShell 2.0 Profile that adds a descriptive prompt suitable for working with git (or hg) and virtualenvs
# Written by Donald Stufft
# My Windows PowerShell Profile. It gives a prompt that looks like
# UserName at MachineName in ~/path on master^1?!
# (virtualenvname) ±
# Explanation:
# If you are in a git repo the prompt character will be ±, ¥ for mercurial and » otherwise.
# If you are in a git repo it will include the "on ...." bit.
# It will replace master with the name of the current branch
# It will include ^# where # is how many commits ahead of origin you are
# It will include ? if you have untracked files and ! if you have uncommited changes
# If you are using virtualenvs then the current
# virtualenv name will appear in front of the prompt character inside of ()
$THEME_COLOR_USERNAME = [ConsoleColor]::Magenta
$THEME_COLOR_HOST = [ConsoleColor]::Yellow
$THEME_COLOR_PATH = [ConsoleColor]::Green
$THEME_COLOR_BRANCH = [ConsoleColor]::Magenta
$THEME_COLOR_AHEAD_PREFIX = [ConsoleColor]::White
$THEME_COLOR_AHEAD_TEXT = [ConsoleColor]::Magenta
$THEME_COLOR_DIRTY = [ConsoleColor]::Red
$THEME_COLOR_UNTRACKED = [ConsoleColor]::Blue
$THEME_COLOR_CLEAN = [ConsoleColor]::White
Import-Module virtualenvwrapper
function shorten-path([string] $path)
return $path.Replace($HOME, '~').Replace("\", "/")
function git-prompt-info
if (Get-Command "git" -errorAction SilentlyContinue)
$ret = ""
$ref=$(git symbolic-ref HEAD)
if (!$ref) { return "" }
Write-Host($ref -replace "refs/heads/", "") -n -f $THEME_COLOR_BRANCH
Write-Host($(git-prompt-ahead)) -n
Write-Host($(git-prompt-status)) -n
return ""
function git-prompt-ahead
if (Get-Command "git" -errorAction SilentlyContinue)
$GITSTATUS = $(git status)
$AHEAD = [string]$($GITSTATUS | select-string "^# Your branch is ahead of")
if ($AHEAD)
$AHEAD = $AHEAD.SubString(0, $AHEAD.LastIndexOf(" "))
$AHEAD = $AHEAD.SubString($AHEAD.LastIndexOf(" ") + 1)
return ""
function git-prompt-status
if (Get-Command "git" -errorAction SilentlyContinue)
$GITSTATUS = $(git status --porcelain)
if ($GITSTATUS | select-string ^??)
if ($GITSTATUS | select-string "^ ?[MADRCU]")
return ""
function virtualenv-info
Write-Host($(split-path $env:VIRTUAL_ENV -leaf)) -n -f $THEME_COLOR_VIRTUALENV_INFO_TEXT
return ""
function prompt-char
if (Get-Command "git" -errorAction SilentlyContinue)
git branch > $null
if ($?) { return "± " }
if (Get-Command "hg" -errorAction SilentlyContinue)
hg root > $null
if ($?) { return "¥ " }
return "» "
function prompt
Write-Host ("")
Write-Host ([Environment]::UserName) -n -f $THEME_COLOR_USERNAME
Write-Host (" at ") -n
Write-Host ([Environment]::MachineName) -n -f $THEME_COLOR_HOST
Write-Host (" in ") -n
Write-Host (shorten-path (pwd).PATH) -n -f $THEME_COLOR_PATH
Write-Host (git-prompt-info)
Write-Host (virtualenv-info) -n
return $(prompt-char)
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