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Last active November 26, 2017 21:14
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lens fiddling
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Lens
import Control.Lens.Prism
import Control.Monad
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Types
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Map.Lens
import Data.String.QQ
import Data.Text (Text)
import GHC.Generics
document :: B.ByteString
document = [s|{
"food": { "spock": { "values": { "coffee": 5, "beer": 2, "pizza": 3 }, "total": 10 },
"kirk": { "values": { "coffee": 2, "beer": 3, "pizza": 4 }, "total": 9 } },
"logic": { "starfleet": { "values": { "spock": 100, "kirk": 20, "bones": 50 }, "total": 170 } }
customOptions :: Options
customOptions = (defaultOptions { fieldLabelModifier = drop 1 })
data Node = Node { _values :: Map.Map Text Int
, _total :: Int } deriving (Show, Generic)
type Nested = Map.Map Text (Map.Map Text Node)
instance FromJSON Node where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON customOptions
makeLenses ''Node
data Stats = Stats { coffee :: Int -- food/<person>/values/coffee,group=food
, pizza :: Int -- food/<person>/values/pizza,group=food
, otherFood :: Int -- food/<person>/total,group=food = food.<person>.total - -
, logic :: Int -- logic/starfleet/values/<person>,group=logic
, otherLogic :: Int -- logic/starfleet/total,group=logic = - Stats.logic
} deriving (Show)
-- ideal goal:
-- extractor = makeExtractor [[coffee, "food", person, "coffee"] looks for food/<person>/values/coffee
-- ,[pizza, "food", person, "pizza"] ...
-- ,[logic, "logic", "starfleet", person]] looks for logic/starfleet/values/<person>
-- [[otherFood, "food", person, [coffee, pizza]] looks for food/<person>/total and subtracts coffee and pizza within context
-- ,[otherLogic, "logic", "starfleet", [logic]]] looks for logic/starfleet/total and subtracts logic within context
-- extractor nested ["kirk", "spock", "bones"]
-- returns: {"kirk": Stats {...}, "spock": Stats {...}, "bones": Stats {...}
-- Where each path is only visited once, so bring along map{person=>Stats}
-- or equivalent out to the leaves and set their values on each match.. so
-- a coffee settter lens thingie etc.
-- And the second argument, the total fixupers, should get getter lenses for
-- the fields they are intertwined with, to fixup the total minus the fields.
-- Crude but functional extractor... ^?! is bad too, should continue to surf on
-- maybes and fallback to 0 if not found.
extractStats :: Text -> Nested -> Stats
extractStats name nested = Stats coffee pizza otherFood logic otherLogic
where coffee = nested ^?! ix "food" . ix name . values . ix "coffee"
pizza = nested ^?! ix "food" . ix name . values . ix "pizza"
foodTotal = nested ^?! ix "food" . ix name . total
otherFood = foodTotal - coffee - pizza
logic = nested ^?! ix "logic" . ix "starfleet" . values . ix name
logicTotal = nested ^?! ix "logic" . ix "starfleet" . total
otherLogic = logicTotal - logic
main :: IO ()
main = do
let nested = eitherDecode document :: Either String Nested
print nested
stats <- pure $ liftA fmap extractStats "kirk" nested -- sane construct? looks weird
print stats
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