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Created September 17, 2016 20:17
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import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Set (member, singleton, Set)
type Tape a = ([Maybe a], [Maybe a])
empty::Tape a
empty = ([], [Nothing])
--create a Tape from a list point to the first element of it
fromList:: [a] -> Tape a
fromList a = ([], map (Just) a)
right::Tape a -> Tape a
right (a, []) = (a, [Nothing])
right (a, b:c) = (b:a, c)
left::Tape a -> Tape a
left ([], c) = ([Nothing], c)
left (b:a, c) = (a, b:c)
peek::Tape a -> Maybe a
peek (_, []) = Nothing
peek (_, b:_) = b
set::Maybe a -> Tape a -> Tape a
set x (a, []) = (a, x:[])
set x (a, b:c) = (a, x:c)
tprint:: (Show a) => Tape a -> String
tprint (a, b:c) = concat $ map (surround.unwrap) (reverse a)
++ ((surround'.unwrap) b) : map (surround.unwrap) c
where unwrap (Just a) = show a
unwrap Nothing = "'#'"
surround e = "[" ++ e ++ "]"
surround' e = "{" ++ e ++ "}"
data Dir = R | L deriving (Show)
data TuringTransition s t = GOTO s (Maybe t) Dir | STOP
type TuringMachine s t = State (s, Tape t) (Tape t)
fromTable::(s -> Maybe t -> TuringTransition s t) -> TuringMachine s t
fromTable table = do
(state, tape) <- get
let transaction = table state $ peek tape
case transaction of
STOP -> return tape
GOTO s o R -> do { put (s, right $ set o tape); fromTable table }
GOTO s o L -> do { put (s, left $ set o tape); fromTable table }
exec::(Ord s) => TuringMachine s t -> s -> Set s -> Tape t -> Either (Tape t) (Tape t)
exec m i f t = case runState m (i, t) of
(ft, (fs, _)) | (member fs f) -> Right ft
| otherwise -> Left ft
atob::Int -> Maybe Char -> TuringTransition Int Char
atob 0 (Just 'a') = GOTO 0 (Just 'b') R
atob 0 (Just 'b') = GOTO 0 (Just 'a') R
atob 0 Nothing = GOTO 1 Nothing L
atob 1 (Just x ) = GOTO 1 (Just x ) L
atob 1 Nothing = GOTO 2 Nothing R
atob 2 _ = STOP
main::IO ()
main = do
input <- putStr "inform the input: " >> getLine
putStrLn ""
case exec (fromTable atob) 0 (singleton 2) (fromList input) of
Right tape -> putStr "ok: " >> (putStrLn $ tprint tape)
Left tape -> putStr "fail: " >> (putStrLn $ tprint tape)
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