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Last active August 30, 2021 10:46
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Small utility for comparing the time to execute various Erlang functions
-export([test/1, test/2]).
-define(MIN_INNER_LOOPS, 50).
-define(STOP_OUTER_MSG, stop_outer_loop).
-define(EMPTY_LOOP, "empty loop").
test(Fs) ->
test(Fs, timer:seconds(1)).
test(Fs, TimeLimit) ->
NamedFs = [{"empty loop", fun test_inner/1, []}] ++ lists:map(fun preprocess_f/1, Fs),
MethodColWidth = lists:max([length(Name) || {Name, _, _} <- NamedFs]),
io:format("~*s ~26s ~17s ~17s ~17s ~17s~n",
[-MethodColWidth, "Method", "Loops", "Min", "Max", "Median", "Average"]),
[test(Name, MethodColWidth, TimeLimit, Fun, Args) || {Name, Fun, Args} <- NamedFs],
test(Name, MethodColWidth, TimeLimit, Fun, Args) ->
InnerLoops = calc_inner_loops(Fun, Args),
{ok, _} = timer:send_after(TimeLimit, ?STOP_OUTER_MSG),
Stats = lists:sort(test_outer(InnerLoops, Fun, Args)),
OuterLoops = length(Stats),
Min = hd(Stats),
Max = lists:last(Stats),
Med = lists:nth(OuterLoops div 2, Stats),
Avg = lists:sum(Stats) / OuterLoops,
TotalLoops = OuterLoops * InnerLoops,
io:format("~*s ~7B * ~4B = ~9B ~15.3fus ~15.3fus ~15.3fus ~15.3fus~n",
[-MethodColWidth, Name, OuterLoops, InnerLoops, TotalLoops, Min, Max, Med, Avg]),
{Name, Min, Max, Med, Avg}.
test_outer(InnerLoops, F, Args) ->
receive ?STOP_OUTER_MSG -> []
after 0 ->
{Pid, Mon} =
spawn_monitor(fun () ->
{T, _} = timer:tc(F, [InnerLoops | Args]),
{'DOWN', Mon, process, Pid, T} when is_integer(T) ->
[T / InnerLoops | test_outer(InnerLoops, F, Args)];
{'DOWN', Mon, process, Pid, R} ->
test_inner(1, F, Args) ->
apply(F, Args);
test_inner(N, F, Args) ->
apply(F, Args),
test_inner(N - 1, F, Args).
test_inner(1) ->
test_inner(N) ->
test_inner(N - 1).
preprocess_f(F) when is_function(F, 0) ->
preprocess_f({F, []});
preprocess_f({M, F, Args}) when is_atom(M), is_atom(F), is_list(Args) ->
A = length(Args),
preprocess_f({fun M:F/A, Args});
preprocess_f({F, Args}) when is_function(F), is_list(Args) ->
{module, Module} = erlang:fun_info(F, module),
{name, Name} = erlang:fun_info(F, name),
ArgsStr = lists:join(", ", lists:map(fun io_lib:print/1, Args)),
NameStr = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~w:~w(~s)", [Module, Name, ArgsStr])),
{NameStr, fun test_inner/3, [F, Args]}.
calc_inner_loops(F, Args) ->
S = self(),
{reductions, R1} = process_info(S, reductions),
apply(F, [1 | Args]),
{reductions, R2} = process_info(S, reductions),
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TODO: automatically resize the table columns to fit the contents

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