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Created September 22, 2011 21:44
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Priming via types?
trait Finder[RecordType] {
def findAll(ids: Seq[Long]): Seq[RecordType] = Nil
def find(id: Long): Option[RecordType] = None
abstract class Bar { def id: Long } ; object Bar extends Finder[Bar]
abstract class Baz { def id: Long } ; object Baz extends Finder[Baz]
abstract class Foo {
def id: Long
def barId: Long // this could be here as a MongoForeignObjectId thanks to a Bar.FK trait too
def bazId: Long
// these can lead to N+1. kill 'em.
//def bar: Option[Bar] = Bar.find(barId)
//def baz: Option[Baz] = Baz.find(bazId)
}; object Foo extends Finder[Foo]
object BadExample {
// with the above impl of .bar, this would be N+1. bad.
// List[Foo]().map{ f => }
// List[Foo]().map{ f => f.baz }
class BarPrimed[T <: Foo](b: Option[Bar], foo: T) extends FooWrapper(foo) {
def bar = b
class BazPrimed[T <: Foo](b: Option[Baz], foo: T) extends FooWrapper(foo) {
def baz = b
class FooWrapper(foo: Foo) extends Foo {
def id =
def barId = foo.barId
def bazId = foo.bazId
object BadExample2 {
// with the above impl of .bar, this would be N+1. bad.
val ex1: Seq[Bar] = primeBars(List[Foo]()).flatMap{ f => }
val ex2: Seq[Baz] = primeBazs(List[Foo]()).flatMap{ f => f.baz }
val a = List[Foo]()
val b = primeBars(a).filter(
val c = primeBazs(b).filter(_.baz.isDefined)
val d =
def primeBars[T <: Foo](fooList: Seq[T]): Seq[BarPrimed[T]] = {
val ids = Bar.findAll( ).groupBy( foo => new BarPrimed(ids.get(foo.barId).getOrElse(None), foo) )
def primeBazs[T <: Foo](fooList: Seq[T]): Seq[BazPrimed[T]] = {
val ids = Baz.findAll( ).groupBy( foo => new BazPrimed(ids.get(foo.bazId).getOrElse(None), foo) )
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