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Created May 8, 2019 21:27
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import java.lang.Math.ceil
import java.lang.Math.pow
import kotlin.math.log2
fun main() {
println("\n Welcome to Up-To-9-Cards Game!")
fun getCards(): List<Int> {
var validCount = 0
val numbers = mutableListOf<Int>()
while (validCount < 9) {
print("Please enter a card or enter -1 to end: ")
val codedNumber = readLine()!!.toInt()
if (codedNumber == -1) {
return numbers
} else if (codedNumber < 0 || codedNumber > 51) {
println("Not a valid card entry.")
} else {
validCount += 1
return numbers
fun getSuitNumber(codedNumber: Int): Int = codedNumber % 4
fun getSuitString(codedNumber: Int): String {
return when (getSuitNumber(codedNumber)) {
0 -> "Clubs"
1 -> "Spades"
2 -> "Diamonds"
3 -> "Hearts"
else -> ""
fun getCardValue(codedNumber: Int): Int = codedNumber / 4 + 1
fun displayCards(cards: List<Int>) {
println("Your hand is:\n")
cards.forEach {
println(" ${getCardValue(it)} of ${getSuitString(it)}")
val handValue = calculateHandValue(cards)
println("The Total value of your hand is:\n$handValue points")
fun calculateHandValue(cards: List<Int>): Int {
val baseScore = simpleSumCards(cards)
var totalValue = baseScore
if (hasThreeOrMoreNonNumberCards(cards)) {
totalValue = totalValue * totalValue + 7
if (isPrime(totalValue)) {
totalValue += nextHighestPowerOfTwo(totalValue)
return totalValue
fun nextHighestPowerOfTwo(value: Int): Int {
return pow(2.toDouble(), ceil(log2(value.toDouble()))).toInt()
fun simpleSumCards(cards: List<Int>): Int {
return cards.sumBy { getCardValue(it) - getSuitNumber(it) }
fun hasThreeOrMoreNonNumberCards(cards: List<Int>): Boolean {
return cards.count { getCardValue(it) >= 11 || getCardValue(it) == 1 } >= 3
fun isPrime(number: Int): Boolean {
return (2..number / 2).none { number % it == 0 }
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