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Last active August 27, 2019 13:11
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A failed attempt at prooving that a ^ b * a ^ c = a ^ (b + c) with Liquid Haskell
{-@ LIQUID "--reflection" @-}
{-@ LIQUID "--no-adt" @-}
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.ProofCombinators
-- | Proof that a ^ b * a ^ c = a ^ (b + c)
-- a ^ b * a ^ c corresponds to (b -> a, c -> a)
-- a ^ (b + c) corresponds to Either b c -> a
{-@ reflect f' @-}
f' :: (b -> a, c -> a) -> Either b c -> a
f' (l, r) e =
case e of
Left y -> l y
Right z -> r z
{-@ reflect compose @-}
compose :: (a -> b) -> (c -> a) -> c -> b
compose f g z = f (g z)
{-@ reflect g' @-}
g' :: (Either b c -> a) -> (b -> a, c -> a)
g' h = (compose h Left, compose h Right)
-- Note: f' . g' = id is eta-expanded
-- f' . g' = id <=> (f' . g') h = h <=> (f' . g') h e = h e
f'_dot_g'_eq_id ::
h:(Either b c -> a) -> e:(Either b c)
-> {f' (g' h) e = h e}
f'_dot_g'_eq_id h e =
f' (g' h) e
==. f' (compose h Left, compose h Right) e
==. case e of
Left y ->
compose h Left y
==. h (Left y)
Right z ->
compose h Right z
==. h (Right z)
==. h e
*** QED
-- For some reason Liquid Haskell doesn't accept the following proof
-- Note: g' . f' = id is eta-expanded
-- g' . f' = id <=> (g' . f') h = h
g'_dot_f'_eq_id ::
l:(b -> a)
-> r:(c -> a)
-> {g' (f' (l, r)) = (l, r)}
g'_dot_f'_eq_id l r =
g' (f' (l, r))
==. (compose (f' (l, r)) Left, compose (f' (l, r)) Right)
==. (\y -> f' (l, r) (Left y), \z -> f' (l, r) (Right z))
==. (\y -> l y, \z -> r z)
==. (l, r)
*** QED
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