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Created May 3, 2014 21:41
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-- file: Direction.hs
module Direction where
data Direction = LeftTurn | RightTurn | Straight
deriving (Show, Eq)
type Point = (Double, Double)
type Vector = (Double, Double)
point :: Double -> Double -> Point
point x y = (x, y)
vector :: Point -> Point -> Vector
vector (x0, y0) (x1, y1) = (x1 - x0, y1 - y0)
crossProduct :: Vector -> Vector -> Double
crossProduct (vx, vy) (wx, wy) = wy * vx - wx * vy
direction :: Point -> Point -> Point -> Direction
direction p q r
| crossProduct v w > 0 = LeftTurn
| crossProduct v w < 0 = RightTurn
| otherwise = Straight
where v = vector p q
w = vector p r
-- file: GrahamScan.hs
import Direction
import Data.List (sortBy)
lowestOf :: [Point] -> Point
lowestOf (p @ (px, py) : q @ (qx, qy) : ps)
| py < qy = lowestOf (p : ps)
| qy < py = lowestOf (q : ps)
| px < qx = lowestOf (p : ps)
| otherwise = lowestOf (q : ps)
lowestOf p = head p
angle :: Point -> Double
angle (0, 0) = 1 / 0
angle (x, y) = x / radius
where radius = sqrt (x ^^ 2 + y ^^ 2)
pointsCompare :: Point -> Point -> Ordering
pointsCompare p q = compare (angle q) (angle p)
translate :: Point -> [Point] -> [Point]
translate (px, py) ps = map (\(x, y) -> (x - px, y - py)) ps
sortPoints :: [Point] -> [Point]
sortPoints ps = translate np $ sortBy pointsCompare $ translate p ps
where p = lowestOf ps
np = (- fst p, - snd p)
scan :: [Point] -> [Point] -> [Point]
scan (p : q : r : ps) hull
| direction p q r == RightTurn = scan (p : r : ps) hull
| otherwise = scan (q : r : ps) (hull ++ [p])
scan ps hull = hull ++ ps
grahamScan :: [Point] -> [Point]
grahamScan ps = scan (sortPoints ps) []
points = [point 1 1, point (-1) 1, point (-1) (-1), point 1 (-1), point 0 0, point (-2) 5, point (-1) 3]
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