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Last active August 23, 2016 13:55
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Drupal Edit Domain Access Control
# BEGIN Access Control
<IfModule mod_setenvif.c>
# Check Host, set "edit" domain env
SetEnvIf Host "" edit=1 # Prod
SetEnvIf Host "" edit=1 # Staging
SetEnvIf Host "edit.domain.loc|dev" edit=1 # Local Dev
# Build Edit-domain Whitelist
SetEnvIf REMOTE_ADDR ^nnn\.nnn\.nnn\.nnn$ whitelist=1 # Client HQ
SetEnvIf REMOTE_ADDR ^nnn\.nnn\.nnn\.nnn$ whitelist=1 # Vendor HQ
SetEnvIf REMOTE_ADDR "^192\.168\.33\.1$" whitelist=1 # Local Dev
SetEnvIf REMOTE_ADDR ^127\.0\.0\.1$ whitelist=1 # Local Dev
# EDIT DOMAIN Access Control
# Deny Edit-domain to all, then un-deny Edit-domain to whitelisted (for Apache v2.2-)
Order deny,allow
Deny from env=edit
Allow from env=whitelist
# Apply Edit-domain Access Control (for Apache v2.4+)
# <RequireAll>
# # If not Edit-domain, grant all
# Require not env edit
# Require all granted
# </RequireAll>
# <RequireAll>
# # If Edit-domain, must also be on IP whitelist
# Require env edit
# Require env whitelist
# </RequireAll>
# PUBLIC DOMAIN Access Control
# Deny to all access to sensitive paths on non-edit domains
RewriteCond %{ENV:edit} !1
RewriteRule ^(custom-login-path|users|scripts|profile|includes|filter($|/)|user($|/)|admin($|/)|node($|/)) - [F,L]
# Block core Drupal files for everyone
<IfModule mod_alias.c>
RewriteRule ^((CHANGELOG|COPYRIGHT|INSTALL(.*)|LICENSE|MAINTAINERS|UPGRADE).txt|README(.*)|cron.php|install.php|update.php|web.config|xmlrpc.php) - [F,L]
# END Access Control
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