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Created September 17, 2015 02:08
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Visual Composer update script for including in 3rd party themes
* Visual Composer Update script for 3rd party Themes
* Details here:
* Author: dtbaker
// ************* CHANGE ME *************** change me to your server side visual composer update URL
$dtbaker_vc_updater = new dtbaker_vc_3rd_party_update();
class dtbaker_vc_3rd_party_update{
public $current_theme_purchase_code = '';
public $purchase_code_url = '';
public function __construct()
// set the license code of the currently purchased theme
// we ask for this code on another page (not this script) and store it in options.
$this->current_theme_purchase_code = get_option('_envato_licence_freedom','');
// this is the URL where we ask the user for thiir theme license code. changethis to your own page.
// the user is prompted to go here if they haven't entered their theme license code and try to update visual composer
$this->purchase_code_url = admin_url( 'themes.php?page=dtbaker.theme_options_envato.php' );
// tell Visual Composer we're in theme mode, as per:
add_action( 'vc_before_init', array($this,'dtbaker_vcSetAsTheme') );
// try to disable the "Welcome to Visual Composer" screen when the plugin is first activated on theme install with TGMP
add_filter( 'pre_transient__wc_activation_redirect', array($this, 'dtbaker_vc_disable_welcome') );
add_filter( 'pre_transient__vc_page_welcome_redirect', array($this, 'dtbaker_vc_disable_welcome') );
// run our init method which overwrites all the visual composer update stuff
add_action('init', array($this, 'dtbaker_freedom_vc_init'));
function dtbaker_vcSetAsTheme() {
function dtbaker_vc_disable_welcome() {
return 0;
public $vc_updater = false;
public $vc_auto_updater = false;
function dtbaker_freedom_vc_init()
global $vc_manager;
if ($vc_manager && function_exists('vc_plugin_name')) {
$this->vc_updater = $vc_manager->updater();
if ($this->vc_updater) {
$this->vc_auto_updater = $this->vc_updater->updateManager();
if ($this->vc_auto_updater) {
// overwrite the "Download from CodeCanyon" link and offer VC through our own system.
remove_action('in_plugin_update_message-' . vc_plugin_name(), array($this->vc_auto_updater, 'addUpgradeMessageLink'));
// remove the filter that downloads the update ZIP from CodeCanyon
remove_filter('upgrader_pre_download', array($this->vc_updater, 'upgradeFilterFromEnvato'), 10);
// add our own "Update Plugin" message to the plugin page:
add_action('in_plugin_update_message-' . vc_plugin_name(), array($this, 'addUpgradeMessageLink'));
// add our own download plugin update method:
add_filter('upgrader_pre_download', array($this, 'upgradeFilterFromMyServer'), 10, 4);
public function addUpgradeMessageLink(){
echo '<style type="text/css" media="all">tr#wpbakery-visual-composer + tr.plugin-update-tr a.thickbox + em { display: none; }</style>';
// update.php?action=upgrade-plugin&plugin=testimonials-widget%2Ftestimonials-widget.php&_wpnonce=6178d48b6e
echo '<a href="' . wp_nonce_url( admin_url( 'update.php?action=upgrade-plugin&plugin=' . vc_plugin_name() ), 'upgrade-plugin_' . vc_plugin_name() ) . '">' . __( 'Update Visual Composer now.', 'js_composer' ) . '</a>';
public function upgradeFilterFromMyServer($reply, $package, $updater){
// hit up my server for an update to this plugin (my server just bounces through to Envato)
// this is copied from js_composer class-vc-updater.php upgradeFilterFromEnvato()
global $wp_filesystem;
if ( ( isset( $updater->skin->plugin ) && $updater->skin->plugin === vc_plugin_name() ) ||
( isset( $updater->skin->plugin_info ) && $updater->skin->plugin_info['Name'] === $this->vc_updater->title )
) {
$updater->strings['download_envato'] = __( 'Downloading package from Envato market...', 'js_composer' );
$updater->skin->feedback( 'download_envato' );
$package_filename = '';
$res = $updater->fs_connect( array( WP_CONTENT_DIR ) );
if ( ! $res ) {
return new WP_Error( 'no_credentials', __( "Error! Can't connect to filesystem", 'js_composer' ) );
$purchase_code = $this->current_theme_purchase_code;
if ( !$purchase_code ) {
return new WP_Error( 'no_credentials', __( 'To receive automatic updates license activation is required. Please visit <a href="' . $this->purchase_code_url . '' . '" target="_blank">Theme Settings</a> to activate your purchase.', 'js_composer' ) );
$json = wp_remote_get( _VC_DTBAKER_UPDATE_URL.'?purchase=' . rawurlencode( $purchase_code ) );
$result = json_decode( $json['body'], true );
if ( empty( $result['download_url'] ) ) {
return new WP_Error( 'no_credentials', __( 'Error! Envato API error. Please ensure your purchase code is correct and try again later.', 'js_composer' ) . ( isset( $result['error'] ) ? ': ' . $result['error'] : '.' ) );
$download_file = download_url( $result['download_url'] );
if ( is_wp_error( $download_file ) ) {
return $download_file;
// the existing post_update hook in VC will cleanup this directory and remove it after
$upgrade_folder = $wp_filesystem->wp_content_dir() . 'uploads/js_composer_envato_package/';
if ( is_dir( $upgrade_folder ) ) {
$wp_filesystem->delete( $upgrade_folder );
$result = @copy( $download_file, $upgrade_folder . $package_filename);
if ( $result && is_file( $upgrade_folder . '/' . $package_filename ) && filesize( $upgrade_folder . '/' . $package_filename ) > 0) {
return $upgrade_folder . '/' . $package_filename;
return new WP_Error( 'no_credentials', __( 'Error on downloading package', 'js_composer' ) );
return $reply;
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