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Last active February 24, 2023 21:07
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  • Save dtbuchholz/15fcb612f4bf1b9ff24302d050a5e3ee to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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an example of getting costs for Tableland write queries
// Dependencies: @tableland/sdk, @tableland/local
// Run `npx local-tableland` and then run this script in another window
import { Database, helpers } from "@tableland/sdk";
import { Wallet, getDefaultProvider, utils } from "ethers";
async function getCosts(tx, provider) {
const receipt = await provider.getTransactionReceipt(tx);
const effectiveGasPrice = receipt.effectiveGasPrice;
const txGasUsed = receipt.gasUsed;
console.log(`Tx gas used: ${txGasUsed}`);
const gasUsedETH = effectiveGasPrice.mul(txGasUsed);
const gasCostETH = utils.formatEther(gasUsedETH);
console.log(`Total gas cost (ETH): ${gasCostETH}`);
const gasCostUSD = utils.formatEther(gasUsedETH.mul(1580)); // Example: ETH:USD price == $1580
console.log(`Total gas cost (USD): $${gasCostUSD}\n`);
return txGasUsed;
async function main() {
// Hard code Hardhat private key
const privateKey =
// Define the signer and connect to the provider.
const wallet = new Wallet(privateKey);
// A local Hardhat node from running `npx local-tableland`, but replace
// with any provider URL (e.g., Alchemy, Infura, Etherscan, etc.).
const provider = getDefaultProvider("");
const signer = wallet.connect(provider);
const chainId = await signer.getChainId();
const db = new Database({
baseUrl: helpers.getBaseUrl(chainId),
const { meta: create } = await db
`CREATE TABLE drivers (permit_id integer primary key, race_team text, is_holo int, is_revealed int, driver_id int, permit_pfp_address text, permit_pfp_id int, is_discord_contributor int);`
// Call `wait()` to await the tx to complete, then, grab the table's
// auto-generated name (`{prefix}_{chainId}_{tableId}`) and ID.
await create.txn?.wait();
if (create.txn?.transactionHash) {
console.log("Create tx");
getCosts(create.txn?.transactionHash, provider);
const { name: tableName } = create.txn;
console.log(`Table name: ${tableName}`);
const values = Array.from({ length: 2888 }, (_, k) => k).map((v) => {
return {
permitId: v,
raceTeam: "KILL SWITCHES",
isHolo: 0,
isRevealed: 1,
driverId: v,
const formatValues =
(v) =>
// This string would be of length ~90000 characters long, so split it up into
// somewhat arbitrary batches that are smaller than 35000
const chunkSize = 1000;
const chunks = [];
for (let i = 0; i < formatValues.length; i += chunkSize) {
const chunk = formatValues.slice(i, i + chunkSize);
// INSERT INTO drivers_1_20(permit_id,race_team,is_holo,is_revealed,driver_id)
// VALUES(0,'KILL SWITCHES',0,1,0),(1,'KILL SWITCHES',0,1,1)...,(2887,'KILL
// SWITCHES',0,1,2887)
let gasUsed = 0;
for (const chunk of chunks) {
const statement = `INSERT INTO ${tableName}(permit_id,race_team,is_holo,is_revealed,driver_id) VALUES${chunk.join()}`;
const { meta: insert } = await db.prepare(statement).run();
await insert.txn.wait();
if (insert.txn?.transactionHash) {
console.log("Write tx");
const gas = await getCosts(insert.txn?.transactionHash, provider);
gasUsed += Number(gas);
// Total gas for all writes: 2604456
console.log(`Total gas used: ${gasUsed}`);
// And if you want to read the final table values
// const { results } = await db.prepare(`SELECT * FROM ${tableName};`).all();
// console.log(results);
await main();
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