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Created January 20, 2018 01:37
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using MongoDB.Bson;
using MongoDB.Driver;
using NSubstitute;
using NSubstitute.ExceptionExtensions;
using Xunit;
namespace NSubWorkshop
public class ComponentRecordDataModel
public string Id { get; set; }
public List<string> UserViews { get; set; } = new List<string>();
public interface IMongoContext {
IEnumerable<T> Find<T>(FilterDefinition<T> filter, ProjectionDefinition<T> projection);
public class SampleClass
IMongoContext MongoContext;
public SampleClass(IMongoContext context)
this.MongoContext = context;
public ComponentRecordDataModel GetRecordUserViews(string id)
var filter = Builders<ComponentRecordDataModel>.Filter.Eq(x => x.Id, id);
var projection = Builders<ComponentRecordDataModel>.Projection.Include(x => x.UserViews);
var result = MongoContext.Find(filter, projection).FirstOrDefault();
return result;
public class DataAccessException : Exception {}
public class MongoTest
public void LogsExceptionWhenOnGetRecordUserViews()
var _exception = new DataAccessException();
var _recordModel = new ComponentRecordDataModel { Id = "123", UserViews = { "a", "b" } };
var _mongoContext = Substitute.For<IMongoContext>();
var _collection = new SampleClass(_mongoContext);
var filter = Builders<ComponentRecordDataModel>.Filter.Eq(x => x.Id, _recordModel.Id);
var projection = Builders<ComponentRecordDataModel>.Projection.Include(x => x.UserViews);
var expectedFilter = Arg.Is<FilterDefinition<ComponentRecordDataModel>>(
x => ToJson(x).Equals(ToJson(filter)));
var expectedProjection = Arg.Is<ProjectionDefinition<ComponentRecordDataModel>>(
x => ToJson(x).Equals(ToJson(projection)));
_mongoContext.Find(expectedFilter, expectedProjection).Throws(_exception);
Assert.Throws(typeof(DataAccessException), () => _collection.GetRecordUserViews(_recordModel.Id));
static string ToJson<T>(T t)
// Avoiding Error CS0854: An expression tree may not contain a call or invocation that uses optional arguments
return t.ToJson();
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