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Last active November 14, 2022 12:24
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script which splits terraform states and adds depends_on to some resources
grep -E 'resource.+"codefresh_project"' ./squads/**/*.tf | sed -E 's/([a-z_\/]+):.+" "(.+)" {/\1:\2/g' |
while IFS=":"; read -r key value; do
export key=$key value=$value
cat $key | grep name | sed -E 's/.+name.+\"(.+)\"/\1/g' |
xargs -I{} grep -E 'project_name.+"{}"' ./squads/**/*.tf | sed -E 's/([a-z\/_-]+):.+/\1/g' > tmp.txt
while read file; do
if [ -z "$(grep depends_on $file)" ]; then
replace="\ndepends_on = [codefresh_project.${value}]\n}"
perl -i"" -pe "s/^}/${replace}/g" $file
terraform fmt $file
done < tmp.txt
rm tmp.txt
# copia os arquivos de pipeline com o nome da squad
grep --exclude-dir=terraform/tf_modules "\"$value\"" terraform/**/*.tf | sed -E 's/([a-z\/_-]+):.+/\1/g' | xargs -I {} bash -c 'mv {} squads/$key/$(basename {})';
# copia os arquivos de projeto com o nome da squad
grep -l project_name squads/$key/**.tf | xargs cat | grep project_name | sed -E 's/.*project_name.*"(.+)".*/\1/g' | \
xargs -I {} bash -c 'mv terraform/codefresh_project/{}.tf squads/$key/$(basename {}).tf';
# ajusta o nome da squad no state file
sed -i '' -e "s/#squad#/$key/" squads/$key/;
sed -i '' -e "s/\.\./..\/..\/terraform/" squads/$key/*.tf;
for d in ./squads/* ; do
export d=${d}
# move o state dos recursos
grep -l resource ${d}/**.tf | xargs cat | grep resource | sed -E 's/.*resource.*"(.+)".*/\1/g' | \
xargs -I {} bash -c 'terraform state mv -lock=false -state=terraform/source.tfstate -state-out=${d}/destination.tfstate module.codefresh_project.codefresh_project.{} codefresh_project.{}';
# move o state dos módulos
grep -l module ${d}/**.tf | xargs -I {} bash -c 'cat {} | grep "module "' | sed -E 's/.*module "(.+)".*/\1/' | \
xargs -I {} bash -c 'terraform state mv -lock=false -state=terraform/source.tfstate -state-out=${d}/destination.tfstate module.codefresh_pipeline.module.{} module.{}';
# push do state novo
cd $d; terraform init; terraform state push -force destination.tfstate; cd -;
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